Looking for someone to drown with ?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


Sometimes being quiet is the most intellectual thing we can do in this life.

Most of us here are just to create content, support the community and earn some tokens. Some of us are even doing their best to support everybody and to help as many creators as we can. Others are investing so much time to build projects or communities, and they don't have time to spend on something else. As a community leader I don't like to be distracted even if the community is not that big. So, if I'll be involved in anything that's not related to building a community, it could harm it and its members. I understand that some think that I can write about their problems to make more people aware of that, but I'll never do that if that will harm me. I prefer to spend that time building, helping newcomers learn about the community, create contests and distribute the rewards, and take care about the community @dcooperation I'm slowly building and DCC token I'm starting to make it more valuable.

Collaborative curation and the weakly contest : DCC tag contestI already had an experience with involving to drama and in the end I turned the bad guy. I was hardly manipulated by someone who ruined the community I was building for 2 years, and then I took a long break, then start it over, and I think it's doing well, especially with #dcc, the . And I'm contacting other community leaders to create with them another collaboration with communities, just like the one we created before in @dcooperation. Plus I barely find time to keep working on hive movie because of the little kid I have. I have to sit with him when my wife is busy working.

So, if are involved in a drama, or you have problems not related to how to post, how to create a hive account, or how to contribute to the community, or how generally hive works, I'll not be ready to help. Your problems with others, are your problems. By the way when I was involved in the drama, no one almost helped me, that's why I just deleted the discord server, took a long break and then started over with a fresh page. And that's awesome because new people joined, and we are all working together to promote content and authors. Check that in #dcc. By the way the person who tried to involve me in the drama, in the end despaired from the community at all. And he/she is not active anymore, and I'm happy about that. Such people maybe need some time to destroy themselves by their own hands.

So, if you are drowning somehow or not feel good in a platform, just leave it and leave others alone.

The worse thing to do is to look for someone to drown with when you are sinking yourself.

Let builders build, and try to build something yourself, instead of destroying what's built by others !


When people are going down they like to pull others down with them.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

That's for sure.