Thanks a lot for promoting that. Till now, no one participated in it. [ I thought you talking about this : The first POB collaboration with DCooperation !
noone is participating in that yet. ☺ ], but we already have a participant. About #dcc people participated in it, but stoped. Maybe for them is a hard work to do, or noone want to promote others. Those only things I can thinking about now. I have maybe to create it again and promote it. I hope to see you participating. That's really easy to do. I still don't understand why
This comment is edited : @sindetalles
But the initiative is very good. There is a lot of excellent quality content that has little visibility in POB and other communities. I don't know much about healing, but I like to read and observe and I think it is a very rewarding activity for everyone. Hopefully I will find a way to make it reach everyone. Courage, don't be discouraged.
Yeah, I don't worry that much. I know that sooner or later that will be big. People shared content without getting rewarde, now with #dcc they will be rewared. If we all build this, I'm sure #dcc will be curated by a lot of big curators. People just have to understand the concept !
You should try to explain it again in another way. Note that it is not very clear how to indicate the link for the post / comment that the participant would be curating. Perhaps, that alienates users. Anything can be done. Maybe someone more experienced can help you with this. I also offer you my support even though I don't know much ... 😂😂 reblog at least I can 🤣
I don't think that I didn't explained that well. It's easy, share post, comment, mention someone and get rewarded from that. It's impossible to explain this other ways. I was building @dcooperation for more than 3 years. I know when people don't understand and when they just don't want. We all use to create content only for ourselves. We have to get use to create the content not only for ourselves. That's the idea of the community. Creating content together. And #dcc is just one initiative of the community. We have also #dct , it's to collaborate with tribes. And we will have more and more initiatives to participate in.
In fact #dcc is not only for collective curation, but also for those who will create content together. Some of our members in discord are already working on some collaborations. So, a video can be created together,a podcast even pictures from both creators in one post is good to go. Also posts could be written together. For example talking about the same topic from both in one post. Or creating an interview. The writen interview is also good to go. Or translating a post. One write it in one language, an other in an other language.
When more people will know that this all could be rewarded, they will join. So, I don't worry that much. I just have to continue talking about this and keep promoting it and never giving up. Those who are more experienced are already running their things. So, I'll be running my thing as well. ☺
I like this. And from what you describe the interactions can happen in a more collaborative way: the videos, the
Don't faint please. I notice you are well committed to your idea. I hope in the future I too will be passionate about a project of mine in this blockchain, but first I must continue to learn to walk on it😉