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RE: Can common people change policies?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

the government usually pretends to support new policies

That's what the government always do. I'm glad you're opening your eyes to reality !

Yeah, governance is a hard topic, but you did really well. I hope your post will open eyes of many people who are still asleep.

What we can do about that ?

I think it's hard for us simple citizens to fight the system. But at least we can inform those people who we can. Relatives, friends, and even followers in social media. In this case, if something serious, so only on decentralized ones to not be followed by authorities. In case it's something simple, we may share that in centralized social media. That's to secure ourselves. I don't know how the situation is in your country, but in Russia for example, the police can come home if some people write something against the government in social media. They can find them by their ip adresses.

Anyway, it's a hard topic. I'm glad we have a bit better governance on the blockchain, but it still needs to be improved.

Thanks a lot for your entry !


That's what the government always do. I'm glad you're opening your eyes to reality !

This is all your fault (hehehehe, a good fault though), you asked us to research on this tag, but, I am happy you did, because it was an eye opening one

Yeah, governance is a hard topic, but you did really well. I hope your post will open eyes of many people who are still asleep.

Oh my God! Thanks for the appreciation, sir 😊

I don't know how the situation is in your country, but in Russia for example, the police can come home if some people write something against the government in social media. They can find them by their ip adresses.

I really have no idea how it works 😩

I'm glad we have a bit better governance on the blockchain, but it still needs to be improved.

Yes, I am more glad that the government here keeps looking into it, and try to improve it every now and then

Thanks a lot for your entry !

No, thank you, for bringing your dreams here, and making us all a part of it 😊

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You're very welcome. ☺