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RE: How Dangerous are Amphetamines?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Amphetamines can also cause a loss of contact with reality known as amphetamine psychosis.

From :

Also, it is important to realize that amphetamines speed the use of bodily resources; they do not magically supply energy

From : google book

Please create an original content, and if you use content from the web, mention links. Otherwise it will be reported to hivewatchers.

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Thank you clixy... Amphetamine can also cause loss of contact with reality known as amphetamine can find this content in different source not only what you reference above. You can also find this in British Medical Journal. Thanks for the info. I will do everything in my capacity to reference all my articles.

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It's not only about references. But about writing original content from your head, not rewriting books or other articles from the web.

The point is that you can write about any topic, exactly the one you did for example, but you should do it with your own words, writing your opinion and building the content without relying on copying the article with ctrl + c ctrl + v

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Thanks. DV applied. I will not add the typical commentary this time because you have done it already.

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