You are right. I really feel you. Maybe if little guys will all work together on this, things may change. Because those who are supported every day, are also supported by many little guys. If all little guys come together and start to support only little guys, the things may change.
I think @offgridlife will be interested in this post, because he also takled about this situation recently !
The thing is all the little guy's upvote the big guys just because they want to get upvoted by these people it's a real shame what's going on we found a tribe on here one of the top tribes that only has two people buying and selling and they are even buying and selling to each other to make it look good on the outside but if take a closer look it's just fake so be very careful before investing into anything as it could just drop like a sack of potatoes 😂
One more thing the little guy's have no chance as most of the big people are working together and even upvoting there alt accounts and even cashing out daily as I said normal users can not see what's going on 👀