PRIDE, a stepping stone to condemnation. #POB-WOTW

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

PRIDE, the sin that lead to the first and only conflict in heaven till date and it’s effect on humanity.I welcome you all to my entry on this week’s #pob-wotw contest, where I would would be discussing


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Pride can be described as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived form one’s own achievements, the achievements of those whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.


At the beginning of time, Lucifer was a glorified angel, the most respected angel in heaven due to the fact that he was powerfully in charge of praise, we all know how much importance God attaches to praise. Lucifer was a morning star, admired by every other angels until pride got in his way and got him casted out of heaven along side his rebellion.

After the creation of the first man, Adam. God asked all the angels in heaven including Lucifer to bow at his feet but Lucifer rebelled along side one third of the angels in heaven, he thought he was powerful enough to overthrown God, but he failed and was casted into hell. After Lucifer was banished, humanity replaced him in the place of praising God.

This was the beginning of enmity to humanity, Lucifer and his fallen angels vowed to overthrown God someday by the hands of the human in which God has created. This was why he appeared to Eve in the garden of Eden in form of a serpent, to persuade her to do the one thing that God asked them not to do, and these lead them out of the garden of Eden.


Although with the acknowledgement that God always knows the end from the beginning, we would all agree that He knew all this was going to happen even before Lucifer started to conspire against Him. God knew he was going to deceive humanity so that they would be sent out of the garden of grace, but He let it happen anyway.

I think God deliberately left the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, so that humanity would receive knowledge through devil’s deceit, so that we will be able to explore the power in which He has built in us. Why else would He create us as gods if he wanted us to remain in the garden of Eden, naked, with all sort of fruit and convince, and no knowledge to improve.

Psalm 82:6

I have said, ye are gods, and all of you are children of the most high.

Considering the fact that God/gods are expected to know all and expand in knowledge and power, this which humanity have been able to gain right from the time they left the garden till this present day.

So technically speaking, Lucifer’s pride lead to his condemnation and his hatred for humanity, which lead him to deceive man, in which man fell for and was banished from grace, man was left alone to take care of himself by expanding in knowledge each and every single day.

Pride makes one feel too big to acknowledge that one made a mistake, one was wrong, or that one needs to apologize to another . It prevents one from being submissive to certain rules, which will always lead to destruction and condemnation because when there are rules, there are offenses and punishment to those who do not abide by the rules.

Thank you for staying till this point, enjoy the rest of your week.