As for me, a lover of all kind of food. At times I get confused, you know when you actually think this food is your best type of food and then you taste another food probably prepared by a pro, and you’re forced to renounce the first food.
I would say as long has it tastes nice, I would enjoy it like it is my best.
But let me share with you my native food.
Pounded yam and egunsi (melon) soup.
In my native land, pounded yam and egunsi is considered to be a food of honor. It is mostly prepared when a guest of honor visits ones home or graces ones occasion.
Pounded yam as it name implies is made out of pounding cooked yam.
If you ever have the opportunity to try this out someday, I bet it with you that it’s worth trying.
Looks amazing!! You say native food, but which country is it?