Places like department stores are extremely overstimulating, and I'm really not surprised to hear they have panic attacks at Walmart, now, since you can get just about anything else there.
Any tips are appreciated.
Argghhh, everyone does and feels things differently BUT I will say that what has helped me most with my anxiety is to just feel, let feelings exist, and acknowledge and appreciate them even if I have to remind them that they are part of a way of existing that no longer serves me. Sometimes that takes away their power.
I bet those jellyfish are good listeners.
They are. I was up all night last night talking to them. Your local Walmart probably sells them. If not I can mail you one.
Thanks for the tips :)
Seeing if my local Walmart has one would require entering my local Walmart and likely sharing in your panic attack experience (how empathetic of me!), but I can see if my local World Monopoly Product and Delivery Service has one. I told my cat about it and she wants one for Christmas, even though she's Buddhist.
Oh, AND! I tend to deflect when people offer to do nice things; a habit I am working on overcoming. Thanks for the offer to send jellyfish. Very sweet of you!
Interesting. I picked up the habit of deflection when I was a kid. It's only recently that I'm starting to allow myself to accept compliments. I probably spent a third of my last therapy session just talking about that.
Best of luck on the jellyfish hunt!