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RE: Seriousness Causes Reincarnation

I wondered.
Yes. That's a strange thing to say, but honestly, what if we share some kind of "over soul" with our Animal Companions?
Being a cat, once upon a time ... I have memories. They continue too. And I'm connected to OTHER cats.
Who is to say that you didn't connect with the Raccoon God!?
I don't say "spirit animal" because I have too many First Nation friends who, while understanding my Celtic heritage (we do share a lot of similar traditions with the First Nation people) tend to harbor resentment for usurping certain practices, like: Spirit Animal. So, animal friend, animal companion, that's okay.

Moving on, and back to raccoons, I was near a river! Chagrin Falls, Ohio in fact. It was Spring of 2009.
We honor the Rocket!
nods to Guardians of the Galaxy


I can picture you being a cat. I feel like many cats have been cats many times over. The Egyptians were certainly aware of this.

Sometimes I get glimpses of aerial views when I look at the crows or the raptors in the air. And I'm pretty sure I've been a crow. Aside from the obvious reasons, I've always been an excellent mimic and able to spot the hawk FIRST. And I can most definitely picture my pointy raccoon nose rooting around deep inside a toppled garbage can. All of this sensitivity was vastly improved after a few doses of mushrooms. Don't need those buddies anymore, though, these days.

I was the human I am now in 2009, albeit a decade plus younger and nowhere near Ohio, but who knows how time really works. I personally feel like my current soul is assembled from pieces of other souls from a collective that I will return to eventually, but not any time soon, no matter how thirst-quenching that river looks on the other side of the road.