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RE: What will happen after I'll die?

Hi! The good deeds are our legacy. You spoke a great truth ! I remember hearing someone saying that in this world we do not only raise our children, we also raise other people's children through the way we behave. On a bigger scale this is so true as the smalles gesture has consequences. They don't call it the butterfly effect for no reason. Our legacy is what remains spiritually in this world. This is we we love and respect people who died decades ago who shaped society in a good way. Writing your truth can be a source of legacy for future generations. In times of despair, many people found comfort in something someone wrote some while ago. Words on a paper, actions, a good deed in the right time, all of these remain. I think that we start to connect the dots and realize we are all part of a big Universe where your actions affect my life, then we will all start to consider death as something natural which reminds us to leave the Planet better than we have found it. Thank you for reading me!


You just said it all friend

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