Read your last post on this topic too. Really love seeing these Mr. Science type experiments. This one is my favorite.
Is there some sort of copyright preventing manufacturers from selling these diy batteries online or in stores? I suspect it has more to do with incredibly effective withholding of information, that is isn't taught in basic science, engineering, and electrician training, and the bogus label of psuedoscience.
So far, your battery appears it might be far longer lasting, efficient, and cheaper. Only drawback appears to be size and time spent maintaining it.
Not at all. Though if I am going to be honest this one is a tricky one for me to fully understand. On one hand we have the people who tell me what I am doing here is nothing new, no big deal, the kind of stuff we learn in school. Then on the other hand we have the people are blown away by this. Like me! So, I am unclear why, if indeed this is something we learn at school (must have been daydreaming in that lesson!) why 90% of people fall into the second camp. Was everyone daydreaming in that lesson????
As you say I think this is largely to do with the withholding of information. In the media particularly. Just keeping our attention anywhere but here. So while we may have been taught this in school (as a galvanic cell) the implications of what this really means have been kept from us.
Chatting with a friend today he tells me it will be the screws which 'die' first. But not because they dissolve. Rather because the layer of zinc they have on their surface will be depleted. He was unsure how long this would take however so let's see what happens...
However, in order to turn a particularly gentle technology for a few into an equally gentle one for many, mass deployment has always been the solution. Now, however, it is precisely mass use that is the problem again, and one notices that one is going round in circles. Nuclear energy is a reliable source of energy for many contemporaries, but the opponents and the fear of it have just as many comrades in arms. Therefore, no energy, no matter how it is obtained, will satisfy anyone in the long run.
Those who live to save either themselves or others or "the world" ultimately live on the premise of fear. He who is without fear lives more easily.
That's right. You have to have the time you need for trial and error. People of the past did all these different procedures, and today's technology is the result. Of course, it's fun to do an experiment when you don't have a day job to earn your bread (including the typical other chores).
So while there is a lot of hype about "sustainability" and the like, individuals are using the existing grid and technology - high amounts of provisioned energy in the form of running servers, for example - to promote a "better world". There is nothing particularly sustainable about using cryptocurrencies to make money in order to have free space for research. It's the way it's always been: there are people from whom everyone profits indirectly. People who don't have a day job as employees profit from those who do. The question of whether the profit also comes back to them is always open. In order to have a return, an application must be sold and advertised en masse. Otherwise, it remains a niche and is run by a small number of people. There is nothing wrong with that either. The only flaw I see is that it is advertised as making the world a better place out of conviction.
I see it more as a hobby. Something to keep the mind occupied and to experience oneself as meaningful. Nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't make the world a better place (whatever that means). Though it makes my life better or more exciting and meaningful, if I have the luxury to get past the treadmill.