You are definitely addressing an important point here.
Seems to me that what we really need for POB it its own autonomous front end — in a style similar to what LeoFinance uses — in which what is highlighted most on the home page feed is "Human Brain Curated Content" which would push "Trending" as it now stands to being an option people could choose, rather than the main event, so to speak.
POB already has human manual curators, so why not "trend" their top picks, instead? I think that would be preferable to a "fixed post" format. Which is not to say that a pinned "community guidelines" post is a bad idea.
Plagiarism has been an issue for as long as there has been the Internet. The only thing that comes close to being significantly effective is having a team of community volunteers manually check everything... but how that would work in the context of a decentralized system like POB I would not know.
Thanks for the reply, mate! In fact, the most practical solution at least to start with is to fixed/pinned a post with the expected rules and behaviors in the POB, but even this seems to be difficult to solve, mainly because we don't have an exactly active group of moderators and organizers of POB, it turns out that we don't have much reach. So we're thinking about a solution, like weekly update of community stats along with linked rules