Beware of snakes? Now where would one find a sign like that? 🤔
Lol, it was down at the lake/hiking trail near where I used to live in McKinney, TX. Supposedly copperheads and other poisonous snakes are native but I don't think the chances are very high of encountering one at all. Bit overkill to make a permanent sign about it, always found it pretty humorous.

Thanks for the well-wishing and engaging with this post @brandt ^_^
I really feel what I need the most currently is to build back a habit of producing some creative content daily. Generally, when I cultivate that habit, the bigger things I want to work on naturally get done over time.
Hope you're doing well! Peace for now
I'm usually pretty good about writing every day, whether that be in my notebook or on my laptop… but I have trouble with being consistent about posting any of it online. My backlog is insane. I wouldn't wish the editing thereof upon my worst enemy :D