#POBDAILY #1: The Principle of Obedience

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)


The day began with a cool weather as i got dressed and hurried up for the day's church service. The program was indeed, awesome and a sermon was given on the supernatural principles of obedience with a reference to the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the holy book of Genesis 2:16-17. We were made to understand that what God needs from us as His children is our total obedience to Him and His commandments.


I was also made to understand that obedience is better than sacrifice and to harken greater than fat of rams. Children are expected to obey their parents because it is aprinciple one must follow to live long on Earth. Servants are to obey their masters while followers are to obey and honour their leaders in any setting they find themselves.

Provided we live by the principles of God's word, life will definitely be a better and habitable place for us all.

After the church service, i attended a brief meeting and went back home. Spent a wonderful moment with my visitors. The day was indeed, awesome and remarkable.

I wish to use this medium to appreciate @dwayne16 and @marvinix for hosting this wonderful initiative and wish to invite interested #hiveans to be part of this daily challenge.

Thank you for your time and do have a wonderful moment

Hello and welcome to my page. I am @daniky and this is the day 1 of my entry to the #pobdaily challenge, an initiative of @marvinix and @dwayne16. Kindly follow me as i share with you my day's moment.

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Whereas the government where you live allows you to go to church there are places where this has been closed down by government. Where do you live these days?

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Yes that's true as a result of the pandemic, though the situation is fair here. I live in Nigeria.

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