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RE: Viruses are not contagious 😅

A bit of a false dichotomy there. The truth is somewhere in between. "Germ" is kind of a vague term that encompasses a variety of things including but not limited to viruses. Not all germs are harmful but exposure to certain germs can make one sick. The healthier you are, the more able your body is to resist potentially harmful germs. If you have a poorly functioning immune system then normally harmless germs might kill you. There might also be other characteristics that make you more or less resistant. There are some germs that even the healthiest people may have difficulty resisting. Exposure to some germs can help your body (immune system) build up resistance to them. But it can be a bit of a catch-22 depending on the germ we are talking about. I don't want to expose myself to viruses that cause hemmorhagic fever no matter how healthy I might be or because surviving it MIGHT increase my resistance to it. I'm sure Native Americans would have preferred to have never been exposed to smallpox.

Sometimes it isn't the germ that kills you but your immune system's reaction. A fever that bakes your brain...or what we are seeing with COVID and the COVID vaccine with myocarditis which is caused by an immune system reaction in some cases to the disease and in some cases to the vaccine.

There's no doubt that health plays a major role. For instance, I have known of a few people who have died from COVID (unvaccinated so I don't think that can be blamed). However, in each of those cases they were significantly overweight.


The funniest part of this joke is not that viruses aren't contagious but that covid doesn't exist at all. You may perhaps know that covid-19 was never isolated and therefore cannot be tested for? Indeed, when we get a covid test, what we are actually testing for is genetic material which we are told somehow relates to covid. Yet there is no evidence for this connection.

People die all the time. Only now they are dying with a positive test result, which makes covid seem like a thing. Am sorry for the loss of your friends. I also have an overweight friend who died recently, just before the covid saga started. Had he died more recently you can be sure cause of death would have gone down as covid (because there are financial incentives for this), despite cause of death so obviously relating to lifestyle choices and as mentioned on the cover of The Contagion Myth, the ever more toxic environment we are surrounded by.

Certainly the immune system is the core of our body's defence mechanism and when I say "people who eat quality food & look after themselves" what we are really talking about is keeping the immune system strong. The unfortunate problem with our current reality is that toxic environment most people are not even aware of. How many people are aware of their nearest 5G tower? Or how many people are aware of the root canals & amalgam fillings in their mouth which are slowly killing them? Or what about the shit they spray in the air above our heads every day which so evidently makes its way into our food? Many factors at play (most of which people are simply not aware of) yet all of them are weakening our immune system. So, it seems to me that if exposure to certain germs makes us sick, no matter how healthy we may believe ourselves to be, this likely still relates to a weakened immune system and lack of health due to toxins and undesirable frequencies.

I don't understand the claim that the virus has not been isolated. There are several examples of that having happened and even a complete genetic sequence of different variants of the virus. I guess it could all be lies but what is the evidence of that? I mean this is research that has been done by people who are experts in this stuff as far as I can tell. On the other hand, the claim that it has never been isolated, as far as I can tell, came from one guy. (complete genome) (another complete genome) (yet another) (pictures of the virus)

If the information in the links above cannot be taken as evidence, then what can?

I hear what you are saying but it's not like all of this is coming from the CDC or drug companies. Some is coming from universities and other organizations. In my experience, for the most part, scientists themselves are not particularly political when it comes to their work (though politicians certainly twist the results in misleading ways for their own purposes).

Every doctor who has seriously studied this is part of some institution as not many individuals would have the resources for the proper equipment and personnel to do the necessary work. Dr. Kaufman is a psychiatrist with a B.S. in Molecular Biology. Is he really more qualified to speak on these issues than any of the people in the above links? I don't see how.

I can't really prove all the people in the above studies aren't's difficult to prove a negative anyway. But I've seen no proof that they are and I don't really see any reason to give Dr. Kaufman's claims any more credit. I'm sure the notoriety he is getting makes for some economic opportunities for him as well. He could also just believe what he is saying. But that doesn't make him right.

Economic incentive alone isn't generally a good enough reason not to trust someone. After all, most people have economic incentive for the work that they do or they would have to be doing something else. But I don't believe doctors and scientists generally spend all that time, money and effort to get advanced training in their fields just so they can go out and make crap up. Of course there are always dishonest people but it's hard to believe the vast majority of doctors and scientists are lying (about the very existence of a virus no less)...or completely wrong. It's far easier to believe someone like Dr. Kaufman, who would seem to have quite a bit less training and experience in this particular field, is wrong.