in Proof of Brain3 years ago

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how do you respond to criticism?

Prior to that, let me tell you that criticism, has two types, its either constructive or destructive. Though both might points out the same mistakes or action, they have different approach.

Constructive criticism is when someone tells you directly, honestly a certain thing that you lack of, or something your doing unhealthy, that needs of improvement. It is usually followed with the action you needed to do. It can be either at home, at work, in a relationships and can also happen in a social media platforms.

We see many people who spam the site with their unending copy paste and to your surprise it received a much better tips from the rewarder and we know that it is bad in the platform. How do you tell it to someone who copy paste --in the right way?

Simply we can do things in order to not harm the platform, if you see that the person has done it once, comment on his/her article, you can make it as a joke, like, "Hey I think, I have read this article somewhere, I like most of your article, but please refrain from copying others work." attached the proof.

And if the author wanted to stay on the platform they will take action. If they don't they do not really care, then you shouldn't care about them too.

Destructive criticism it is the way you say your opinion where you make someone lose their self-esteem, questioning their self worth, and even losing the interest on what they are doing, or what they used to love. It contains bad words and might create a bad impact on ones human being.

How to respond to criticism?
Know if it is constructive or destructive.

If constructive, assess yourself, did you really do it wrong, or will you learn from it? If you did, accept it. Don't make your self a victim. Admit it and change whats needed to be change. And you will gain from it, you will grow from it. And you will be surprise!l, how these changes will affect your whole being. And always don't forget to say thank you for positive criticism! Meaning these people care for you and is willing to help you to become the best you can be.

If destructive, stay away around these people who make you question yourself. It may sounds cliché but still, just don't listen to them. Ignore those words. Don't validate what they were saying. Or it will become your way to live up of the expectation of others or it might destroy your whole being. Me, when I think I am receiving destructive criticism, If someone would says I am bitch, I'd say Fuck you or You too or simply ignore em. Or If someone says I am not good enough I evaluate, and If I have given my best, I think it is the line where I should establish an exit.

In line with this we know we are all people and we can't help but criticize others. It is in the nature of human, but how can we make it right?

Critisize but don't do it on public social media without the knowledge of the person you are criticizing or others might call you an attention seeker or a self-centered person, or others might be irritated of you. And always think first before saying a word! I always want to say what I thought on social medias because I can think properly of the words I would say. You see on socials you are allowed to erase your thoughts, your angered thoughts, and you can see what is wrong with it and correct it. Thanks to drafts we can edit words! Thanks to social media we can edit our thoughts! Always remember, what you have written on social medias will remain copied or it can be screen shot and it can be used against you!

I know I do also criticize others and have done it bad too! And by this time, I do an exercise to help my angered words fly away, its counting 1 to 10 and breathing in and out at the same time. Concerned reminder, I think I have read these somewhere and I forgot where so credits to whoever you are, We aren't good at one thing if we aren't bad at one!

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You raised some good points, and it's important to handle criticism properly. Sooner or later, we end up on the receiving end of it, so we need to be considerate in how we handle it.

If we need to criticize someone, we need to be considerate about it. We point out the mistake, suggest a solution or a correction, and show humanity to the person we criticize. This is good both online and in real life.

As much as possible, we make the criticism in private; no one likes to be embarrassed or humiliated in front of people. We would want someone to do that for us when we get criticized, so it's only right we do that to someone else.

We also need to keep in mind who is doing the criticizing to us. Is it someone we love, care about, respect, or even fear? Then we need to listen and act. Is it random mobs from Web 2.0 social media? Then it's just background noise and we can let it pass over us.

If we did wrong and we get criticized, we deal with it and proceed from there. If we get criticized but we didn't do anything wrong, we cannot let that criticism pass without defending ourselves.

As much as it sucks to get criticized, it's one way we learn and improve. We should at least do it the right way.

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Some criticism sounds more like condemnation,so we should always use wisdom when trying to criticise..

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