Pessimists Always tend to loose in Their Goals?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Optimism doesn't wait for facts. In fact, it works best when the facts are against the optimist. It is often said by optimists that things will go your way and it usually does. But why wait for that. Why not use your optimism to create a picture that you believe in, rather than what you hope for or wish for....

When you start creating that optimist picture in your mind and you work through it in your mind, it will eventually become a reality. You will find that it will work even better than the optimist's picture if you work at it every day. Even if you have been a pessimist most of your life, optimists will tell you that pessimism is self-defeating. So, work on it.

If you feel that you are too optimistic, you might be right, but try to convince yourself otherwise. It is not healthy to believe that your efforts at anything will work no matter how difficult they are. You may be correct in part, though not in full. If you have been waiting on a particular event to happen, then pessimism could work in your favor.

One of the common mistakes of optimists is that they wait for the right circumstances to occur before adopting an optimist viewpoint. They think that all they have to do is to wait out the bad. Unfortunately this rarely happens. The bad usually gets worse before the good. So, be realistic and try to see the good around you rather than always expecting the worst.

Many optimists fall into the trap of "optimism equals pleasure". They take pleasure in seeing the optimists succeed. Be careful not to lose sight of the fact that joy is a natural emotion and that you can also be sad without being a sadist. So, don't work to make yourself happy.

Another mistake of optimists is that they are excessively self-absorbed. They don't take into account other people's feelings. They fail to give importance to the opinions of others. This may give rise to criticism from people who disagree or have different outlooks.

People who have worked with optimists will tell you that they are excessively optimistic. They are not afraid to wait for the facts. Instead of waiting for something to happen, they are constantly looking for opportunities. This is a risky strategy but if you are Optimistic you may find it worth your while. But if you are not optimistic at all, then you might as well say that optimists never do anything right.

Optimism does pay off. If you are waiting for something to happen you will never get it. Waiting makes life long and unfulfilled. So, just be optimistic and wait for the opportunities that may come your way. This is what will help you enjoy life more.

Another mistake of pessimists is that they cannot see the world realistically. If you believe that a particular situation cannot be improved, then you will not be able to apply the right strategies. Just owning a pessimistic attitude will not solve your problems. It may even make things worse. And, worse still, your problems will not get better.

Some pessimists also have the habit of blaming others for their woes. There are those who blame the government for natural disasters and poverty. They fail to recognize that there is an actual problem in place. Instead, they should learn not to blame others and should work towards finding the causes of the problem.

Some pessimists also have the habit of assuming that good things will never happen. They also fail to see any positive solutions. To them, life is like a roller coaster ride. When one turn is bad, there is a high chance that another turn is also going to be bad. Pessimists fail to see the opportunities that lie ahead.

There are also some pessimists who get so depressed over the slightest setback that they become too afraid to even start. The best way to deal with pessimism is to know how to prevent it. You need to take positive steps so that you will not be afraid to face challenges. It is also important that you set goals so that you will not be too disappointed when things do not go as you expected.

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Portions of your writing do not appear to be original. Your text appears to originate from the following article that was posted sometime in June 2021: Why Do Pessimists Always Fail in Their Goals?

I have listed an example below, but there are others.

Your ArticleSourceOriginal Author
Optimism doesn't wait for facts. In fact, it works best when the facts are against the optimist. It is often said by optimists that things will go your way and it usually does. But why wait for that. Why not use your optimism to create a picture that you believe in, rather than what you hope for or wish for....SteemKROptimism doesn't wait for facts. In fact, it works best when the facts are against the optimist. It is often said by optimists that things will go your way and it usually does. But why wait for that. Why not use your optimism to create a picture that you believe in, rather than what you hope for or wish for.