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RE: Proof of Brain: Encouragement to Think for Yourself vs. Thought Shaming

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Given what we know know about multiple intelligences and different learning styles, it is definitely folly to use IQ as a measurement of anything much more than the capacity to solve mostly abstract puzzles. But you typically can't bake a loaf of bread with that, or fix your bicycle tire.

I typically like to use a metric along the lines of "are you thinking and growing?" to determine where someone is in their life path and direction... if you are not open to learning and growing, then it can become a bit of problem, and I sense a lot of the world's ills being a result of what I might describe as "willful ignorance;" the process of people actually taking pride in their lack of wisdom. Which is — IMHO — part of what I think of as "thought shaming."

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