Greetings to all the readers of the community, I have time to write it to you or announce myself in the community. I want to thank you for every support you give me and have presented me from the heart. I also want to send a million blessings to each one of those who belong to the community.
On this occasion I want to talk about the hearts and faces of people. I took this topic from some situations that I have been through and I want to tell my experience in all this time. There is something that we cannot control but we can see before it happens.
The heart is designed to pump blood throughout the body and we can see how strong our heart is to be able to carry a certain amount of blood throughout our body. Medically, when an injection is given to a person intravenously, it is because the heart is in charge of distributing the medicine throughout the body, this tells me that everything that reaches the heart has a distribution to the body in general. Speaking in medical terms, but we must understand that just as medicine reaches the heart, there are things in people's lives that reach the heart.
(Proverb 4:23 in the Reina Valera 1960 version)
In this text he tells me that we must take care of our heart because life emanates from it. When I develop this topic WE CANNOT SEE THE HEARTS BUT WE CAN SEE THE FACES OF PEOPLE it is because there are people who can reach your heart with a drug administered intravenously.
But this person can come with good intentions as well as with bad intentions, the word of God tells me that "only God knows the hearts of people" we do not have that power to see the hearts of people but we do have the power to see people's faces.
The heart is something very sensitive to feeling, many times we can see that there is a person who is upset all the time or treats someone else that person has a face that shows every time he presents his attitude with the people around him.
But this tells me that this person has something in his heart and it may be pain for something that has happened in his life and that circumstances have made him behave that way.
There is a circumstance in life that makes a person have a heart like stone that does not feel or suffer. We often see this type of person on the street or at work. This type of person injects another person with his thoughts and his way of thinking. We human beings have the ability to infect another person with our way of thinking and acting. This type of person becomes an injection for another that slowly migrates our veins.
When I tell you that we can see people's faces, it is because each situation or problem of each person has a face which is shown through the attitudes of people.
Each person presents her face randomly. How random? Not every person presents his face as many people hide their face from the reality of people.
But this type of person comes back with a pressure hole that fills up more and more and at the moment it bursts other people are affected by the detonation of said pressure hole. This type of person has a peculiarity that they are a little distant people and that their attitudes change every time they contract with each circumstance that arises.
These types of people are always defecating because the imprint of the circumstances has marked it. This type of person does not have a clear face to be able to see, but if the person who approaches does not have a clear vision of what is really happening to that person, they can be affected by this bursting of this pressure hole.
As a believer in God, I have always thought that this type of person is a person who is insecure about seeing the reality around them, not every person approaches you with good thoughts, but therefore I am not the one to judge another person because I'm in your shoe. Because there is a mundane and well-known saying here in Venezuela "no one knows the leak in the house but the one who fixes it."
The heart often deceives us but we must understand that God is a God of love and his love reaches everything and we all have the right to correct our mistakes.
But we must also understand that we have to recognize when we are wrong and know how to apologize to other people. We will never know how much we hurt those around us, but we have to keep in mind that if we do not correct our mistakes or damage to other people, we ourselves may be injecting pain and anger into another person who then to get him out of your system or body will be a bit difficult.
With nothing more to say, I say goodbye to everyone...
I hope this article is helpful and a blessing to all.
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