we have to worry less

Receive a cordial greeting and a million blessings to all and I want to thank you all for your comment and your votes. This time I want to talk about what the proposals are, this is just my opinion and my point of view on this issue.


Worry is the most futile of all brain activities, and perhaps the only one that offers only downsides. It is the one that gives you the least pleasure and the one that causes you the most pain. is to give something as precious as your mind to something as dire as a problem. is to give the best of you to the worst of causes. It is like dressing up and then coating yourself in the mud.

To this day I have not yet found a single advantage. the people who are most successful are usually those who best manage worry. Since managing it is important to clear your path to success, I am going to give you three tips to that end.

first. be aware of what is imagined is always more terrifying than what is real. fear is by nature apocalyptic. Of the range of options, he always focuses on the most dire, which is a problem because the imagination enlarges that range even more, so that the bad becomes terrible and the terrible is creepy. However, you should not pay attention to it for one reason: fear embarks you on an ominous journey that the longer it lasts, the more it moves away from reality. If you are worried because your mother does not answer the phone, and of the two hypotheses, one is that the cell phone has been stolen, the apartment looted, bound and gagged, and the other is that the cell phone ran out of battery, keep the second.

when you are faced with a hypothetical problem, do not give wings to your mind
second. rechannel your worry your worry.

allow yourself to hear that concern in only two cases: when you are going to take an action to end the problem, or to plan that action. If it is late and you cannot do anything to solve your problem, write down on a piece of paper three things that you are going to do to solve the problem the next day as soon as you get up. But write them only with one condition: promise to disconnect your mind in the inert period, that is, the time between when you write down these three actions and when you will carry them out.
Just knowing that you have a plan and that you have written it down will have a reassuring effect.

and third. be aware that 99 percent of concerns are about things that will never happen, the remaining 1 percent always ends up being resolved. everything ends up being resolved, sooner or later. the planet has an inexplicable power to redirect its waters just as life has it to redirect problems. I can show you with a simple exercise. If you take a completely blank page, make a list of all the worries that you have had since you were a child and then begin to erase all those that no longer exist, the most likely thing is that the page will be completely blank again. not even one of them has been maintained.


Why? because worries are by nature fleeting. they come and they go. Nevertheless.
when we are in front of them we see them as permanent
The next time a worry strikes you, look at it like an hourglass that has just been turned over. It may end in hours, minutes, or seconds, but time definitely works against it.

Understanding this will reduce your suffering.

I hope they are of benefit to all.


leave your comments and your votes .... follow me @ dennys0antunez

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Portions of your writing do not appear to be original. Your text appears to originate from the following article that was posted sometime in July 2021: worry less and get closer to your future

I have listed examples below.

Your ArticleSourceOriginal Author
If it is late and you cannot do anything to solve your problem, write down on a piece of paper three things that you are going to do to solve the problem the next day as soon as you get up.yorvin2-If it is late and you cannot do anything to solve your problem, write down on a piece of paper three things that you are going to do to solve the next day when you get up, but write it only in a single condition (promise yourself).
The next time a worry strikes you, look at it like an hourglass that has just been turned over. It may end in hours, minutes, or seconds, but time definitely works against it.yorvintip: the next time you have a concern, watch as if it were an hourglass that has just been turned over, it may end in hours, minutes or seconds but there is no doubt that time plays against you (if the Problem has a solution, there is no need to worry if you don't have it, what is the use of doing it)

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hey @dennys0antunez , I hope we hear some answer to this.
Have I been upvoting plagiator???

Posted via proofofbrain.io

His last comment is 2 months ago. Obviously not interested in engagement.

Good morning. I have zero doubt about the fraudulence in the article. It also is not the first instance of plagiarism. I removed rewards from him two months ago in the following article:

What does it feel like to be in love for real

Following the discovery of plagiarism in THIS article, I checked four of his other recently published articles. I didn't find additional acts at this time. So, in summary

  • THIS article is plagiarized.
  • He has plagiarized before and didn't respond to my prior comment.

Hopefully, he can respond to yours.

Posted via proofofbrain.io