hmmm if I let other know, it won't be a secret anymore, but let me share my knowledge that most noobs don't know.
your post rewards is not representing the quality or the originality of your post. Most of the time is about who writes it, whom he/she is, how good and how close the author with curators and whales. Sometime it's just a pure luck
It was interesting last week when we asked what was people's favorite post that they created. A lot of people mentioned the post that got the biggest payout and this is not necessary correlated. Quality and originality of a post is not really represented by the rewards. I believe the rewards are more linked to when and where you post...
And to make it more sad, people upvoting whale and orcas in hope they will vote them back, and those big guys think they are hot shot and have better quality posts LOL
3 credits were added for the Liotes Ranking