Some people are currently going through tough times not knowing it is self afflicted. This issue of procrastination can turn out to be destiny bound challenge if not addressed early enough. In 2017 I was without focus. I was practically living without direction. I was working and earning money but there was no inner satisfaction and fulfillment of purpose. I decided to change job and it was a job I could called dream job yet I was struggling to five my feet.
For three years I was working there was a vision but I lacked the will to execute every goal I set. I was deeply in wishful thinking. Most of the time i lived in the past and all my thought was I wished I took a particular step in the past and things would have been better. I spent large chunk of my time thinking about wrong choices I made in the past and how a better choice would have paid. This was a big set back.
Moreover, I went for a training where a man spoke about focus and introduced us to a book titled ''EAT THAT FROG'' by brian tracy. The book was a game changer. I read a page where he talked about a situation when you are faced with goals to execute you should start with the most difficult task. He described this act as taking the bitter pill. This cut my attention. I had list of certifications and trainings lined up but I was scared by the length of completions and cost. I quickly got started with the biggest task and completed it.
I began to think in pictures. If you will overcome procrastination think in pictures. I once went for a lunch and a friend took his time to describe how my future would look like if only I could complete certain training and acquire certain skill. I converted those words to pictures and it began to motivate me. I wake up seeing those pictures.
Another turning point was when I got accountability partner. A friend who reminds me that by certain months I would have completed a certain task.
Develop lOVE for COMPETITION. Competition is not to destroy but to improve you. Try to get involved with competitive people and embrace new challenges
This content is really Insightful.
Develop lOVE for COMPETITION. Competition is not to destroy but to improve you. Try to get involved with competitive people and embrace new challenges
I have tried this trick and it worked for me. I will have to try the mindset trick, hopefully it will help me to get out of my procrastination habit.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Nice... And it have been said that procrastination is highly underestimated.
People think it's just a simple act of neglect which can be reversed anytime, but it can also lead to ripple effect.
Brian tracy is one of those authors out there with life changing books