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RE: Comment of the Week || Contest #15

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

"Self Respect or Relationships - What do you value more and why?"

Both of these are quite important. I'm sure most people would agree that relationship is really important because we need people to survive.

In my opinion, you must not really be in a relationship with someone to gain something from them.

For instance, I can choose to be a loner, then if I ever need anything from someone, I'd simply pay for it and move on .. No Strings attached.

I believe one can survive without having a relationship with anyone.

NOW If for instance you lose your self respect, Guess what happens? You lose your worth and reputation. This is people realize that they can treat you like trash and get away with it. In that moment you don't value yourself enough to be treated right.

With That said, I value self respect much more.