Three firm raps on the outer apartment door alerted the two females to hush their voices.
"Kella! Please hide me!" The brunette with the deep-set eyes scanned back and forth, like a rabbit caught in a snare.
"Stop it, Susan." Kella had washed her hands of the whole bloody situation, literally. She continued in a cool, hushed voice. "I told you I took care of it for you."
"But they're here!!! I don't want to go to another Interrogation!!!" Her face blushed fiercely, thinking back to the foul things she was required to do. "Please, Kella! I can't do it again!"
Kella looked into the eyes of this tiny woman before her, meek and cowering. She was on the tiny side. Even if she had fought back against the Interrogator, they would have tossed her from the community. Or required a blood sacrifice. Or worse. Watching this terrified woman cower before her made the bile rise up in her throat. Though the Interrogator had committed his last crime, this woman would live in fear and anxiety for the rest of her life. It infuriated her on every level. A predator was the worse kind of vermin. She admitted killing was not preferable, but her training had prepared her well for this profession. Exterminating menaces came as a second nature to her.
Possibly, primary nature.
Fists pounded angrily on the door, threatening to shake the frame off its hinges.
"Open the door. NOW, Kella!"
The assassin pointed to the bedroom, indicating that her scared little rabbit friend should hide.
The sharp tap of Kella's footsteps would alert them to her approaching the door. Actions, rather than words, would speak again.
She opened the door, regarding them with malice. Stepping backwards, she made a grand flourish with her hands and bowed sarcastically, allowing them entrance. It gave her great pleasure to be able to still twist her body language into snarky "remarks".
Interrogators descended like a pack of wolves. Three bulldozed into the living room, one intentionally colliding with her. Clearly the alpha of the pack, his intent was to intimidate her. She moved her body gracefully to deflect his power, which only antagonized him all the more. He snarled and rounded on her, baring his teeth.
"We're here to question you about the murder of Interrogator Slythe."
I loved writing this story. But as always, I most enjoy wondering what the reader will speculate as it continues. It was originally meant to be a stand-alone piece, but I decided to write more, spin it, flip it, and gently shove the reader down the rabbit hole. Hope you'll enjoy the fall. 😏 More tomorrow.
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Right now I'm all caught up bring on the next ones please :D
hahahaha next one coming right up!