A crazy person is not-really-so-very-concerned that they are crazy. ok?? hahaha
They are QUITE HAPPY building castles in the sky, and often spend all their time redecorating. 😄 They do NOT take the time to pause and say "Hmmmm, I wonder if people think I'm crazy."
You know who wonders if they are crazy?
SANE people.
Sane people are CONCERNED with perception. If they analyze their thinking and note something odd, they think "Gee, this might be a little off-center. How can I alter my thoughts, words and actions so that I'm more stable, and don't frighten society." 😄
The insane are not worried.
I just had a very long comment (who? me? write a long comment? shock.) on someone's post who was concerned that if he wrote too much of his FANTASTIC content- he might appear to be "milking" the system.
Milkers of the System (MOTS) do not care what you think. They do not care that they milk. They milk and milk and drain and drain, and it's all about them. And they often write the worst, most BORING content.
❤️If you - my dear, lovely Strong, Enduring, Content Creators (SECCs - gotta love that it sounds like...ahem... hehehe) are actually CONCERNED that your content MIGHT be milking the system... YOUR CONCERN TELLS ME YOU ARE CAUTIOUSLY TRYING TO AVOID IT, AND THEREFORE MOST LIKELY NOT MILKING IT. As a matter of fact, you're probably giving us LESS of your great content, allowing for ALLLLLLLLLLL the milkers of HIVE to milk more. Let's pause for a moment and assess that mentality. 🤔hm. yes. assessed. now, let's continue.
My advice to you SECCsy bees. Take or leave it! lol
1. Write your effing, SECCsy heart out.😘
Think of your readers, think of what they consume, write a post from you to them, connect. Let that be your motivation.
2. They are votes - not necessarily approval.✅
I have people auto-voting me. (thanks for trusting my content, autovoters! hehe) They trigger on the first post of the day - They stop on the second. If I want to write a second post, it will probably miss some autovotes, and I'm AOK with that. I'm not writing for autovotes. I'm writing cuz I have something else I want to share. (Imagine.... people writing cuz they love to write! lol) Sometimes, a post makes 17 cents. Sometimes a post makes 129 hive (woo - my record to date!) THE VOTE DOES NOT NECESSARILY EQUAL APPRECIATION. If you're writing more than people can support, that doesn't mean they don't love it. Time and votes are limited. That has nothing to do with YOUR desire to write or THEIR desire to support. Write - and let the votes be what they are.
3. Use YOUR comment (and more - if you like) to support other SECCsy people on HIVE.✊
If we spend more time HIGHLIGHTING the awesome stuff, sharing it, supporting it, building it - it will build an army. Cuz THEY will grow and do the same, on and on. The baddies will eventually be outnumbered - cuz they will NEVER invest the same amount of time, love, energy, money and effort required to pour into the stability and longevity of a platform. Their stake will only grow selfishly - while the goodies grow exponentially.
and to everyone ...
Mind your wallet, (not theirs) mind your business (not theirs).😒
Too many SECCsy people are worried about what people think of them. We do what we do, and we attract those we attract. Don't worry about what appeals to the busy-bodies. You will NEVER EVER satisfy their ideals. Appeal to YOUR readers, and maintain THAT relationship. It will be SO MUCH MORE fulfilling in the long run.
And for the busy-bodies that want to supervise everyone else's life, wallet, vote...and try to make people feel GUILTY for adding GOOD content to the platform - Can you just worry about your own world? Can you do that? Please. For the love!
These are my thoughts, and I hope you SECCsy people STOP feeling guilty for adding your content as much as you like, and STOP feeling like you're "milking" when only the MOTS do that.
But don't forget - when you SECCsy bees DO add your content, KNOW that the more you add (in 24 hours), the fewer votes there are to go around. If that's ok for you??? COOL- WRITE! 😘
Had to learn that the number of upvotes I got didn't reflect the quality of my content and I have had peace ever since.
and when you have peace... ahhhh... doesn't it make everything so much nicer???
then you can let the busy bodies bzzzzzzzzzzz off :)
So much peace because I began writing what I liked and not what I felt like people would.
I do a mix of both. I love what I write - but I also want to keep my readers interested too. When you're a writer - it's a delicate balance of the two.
Bloggers are a little different (in my mind). They can write for themselves only - and if it connects, so be it. If it doesn't, so be it.
But for a writer (well, I should qualify that... for the type of writer that I AM lol), it needs to be a give and take. A dialogue. A place where the two meet and connect and breathe in each other's essence. mmmm i love getting to give something special to the reader. It's what I LONG for.
It's the difference between a cook and a chef.
A cook prepares food for a living and hopes that their job will pay the bills.
A chef (and I don't mean a trained professional -i mean someone who was BORN to be a chef) is someone who LIVES to please someone through their tastebuds, comfort them through food, and love them through the experience.
That's what I want to do with words - always :)
Yeah I get writing for people but I don't want to write to make people upvote my stuff, I want to write enjoyable things for them, do you understand?
I love your explanations, they always make me happy.
yep i understand exactly. you have it right
we never chase the money.
we chase our passions, let the money do what it wants LOL
you're doing it - you've got it - just keep doing it hahahahahaha
i'm glad I made you smile -(i'm smiling now too hahaha)
Let's keep doing it, thank you.
I knew I was right... It's everyone else who is crazy. I guess I should actually use my head for more than swatting flies.
On a serious note to all those people who enjoy writing and posting keep on doin it. Always gonna be milkers. I know the feeling tho, I have an uncontrollable itch to downvote myself every time I post.
Also how did you know about the castle? CAN YOU SEE IT TOO?
See it???
I'm the one that painted the trim pink....hope you don't mind?
Nah it's all good, I was starting to worry that it was all too grey anyway.
I’m new around here, so I don’t know much about etiquette, guess I’ve stamped on more than a few toes because I “gush” when I discover great content. Then I become a “slave” to the music and build a pedestal to “worship” the “song” if you know what I mean? Guess it’s rather irritating when some new bee comments on EVERY POST ... haha 😆 I’m learning to be discerning with my words. Also, you’re right, you have to be they type of person who writes because their fingers tingle with desire and their mind swirls with ideas 💡 to write everyday, often more frequently. Haha - got to pray it’s not too boring though, especially when people who used to comment and vote get “tired”. Haha 😆 All for the love of art. Enjoy your writing
I LOVE when people comment on my posts... Newbies, oldies... I love the opportunity to have a conversation!!! Hehehe. So always know you are welcome here 😂
And don't ever think that people aren't enjoying you because they don't visit everyday....it's often just because Hive is FILLED with people to visit and everyone is running around trying to support lots hahahaha
Just do what you're doing . (Cuz you're doing GREAT!) and enjoy it and find your tribe!
When you're having fun....it shows! Hehehehe (and it looks like you have a lot of fun!)
Thank you for coming to see me again hehehehe 🤗
If someone is upset because you gushed too much about them..... They are the wrong people to be hanging around 😂😂😂😂😂😂
People should be honored when others gush!!! What a compliment!!!
Hard agree. This logic applies to so many things in life...
people who worry that they are a burden, vs. people who are happy to take and take
people who worry what others will think of their success, vs. people who will gladly trample others to gain success
A few months ago, I was SO mad at people acting heartless and cruel online, and ranting about how I didn't understand people, that I seriously questioned myself and actually sought out an online test to see if I myself had psychopath symptoms because I just couldn't understand them. The test said I had high empathy, not low. When I mentioned this on fb, a friend said the same thing you did: people who worry that they aren't being empathetic enough, are probably more empathetic.
That's right.
the people who worry - are the ones who are extremely sensitive. Otherwise, they just wouldn't give a damn.
Your first clue to whether or not you were empathetic - was the fact that you went to take a test! hahahahahaha
and here is the thing I tell people.
I do not want to understand the baddies.
I NEVER want to understand them.
I want to always be CONFUSED by behavior that is so abhorrent to me.
I want to understand the people who are trying, who are lost, who want help, who want to grow.
but i never want to understand the people who just shit all over everyone else.
so i'm with you! LOLOL
Glad this post spoke to you hehehehe
Well, Writing... ♥️,
And I have you to thank for that, I almost gave up... now, I have people I want to write for.
Thank you!
yep, I love how that sounds... 😁
Hahahahaha glad you enjoyed it . Lololol
And I'm glad you didn't give up. We would have missed some awesomeness from you!!!!
The mind your business part applies to so many things in life. But also as many other things in life no outside force should be able to tell you how you are able to be creative. If writing ten posts a day is your thing and makes you happy. Then I feel it is your right to. Especially if it makes you happy. The people saying you are milking do not know. Perhaps making a post is a release for you or a form of therapy.
I'm not sure if anyone thinks I'm milking. hahaha and... I do not care if they do LOL
I know how much work I put into what I do hahahaha when they want to come live a day with me - we'll see how much milk there is LOLOLOL
I'm just wanting others (especially newbies) to know that this is THEIR venue, their show, their platform, their blog. They should enjoy it as much as they like! Comment, post, engage, chat in discord... love it all :) manage and balance it all! When THEY feel like they're starting to be unbalanced, they should adjust. They don't have to listen to others tell them what's good and what's not. Suggestions and advise is great! I love it and listen and do apply what makes sense.
But it's pretty unfortunate when people think they have all the authority and expertise to butt into other people's business and manage their affairs LOL but... hey. such is life. :)
unless you're allergic to milk... milk is nourishing. It does the body good. So milk away with quality content. Bury the leachers who drain the system of vitality.
Yep I just turned milk around. Milking good... leaching bad.
as long as you're adding awesome content - and there is no guilt.... i'm all for it hahaha
me feel guilt for posting?
It's more like holy crap .. has it been so long without me posting? I need to get busy.
well get on it, chica! hahaha you're one of the SECCsy ones hahahaha
hehe welllll... four days.. four posts ... hmm let's see if that week badge flips to a new number on Sunday.
She's on a mission!!!!! Hehehe
That's right.....REAL crazy people don't know it, because how they think, feels normal to them.
I was thinking about milking something once, but they wouldn't let me have any cows or goats here.
I do however enjoy any honey that drips on my pages off the sides of this Hive.
That all sounded normal... .right ? 😄
Sounded normal to me...
But I'm like you.
So I think we sound normal to each other.
I see what you are saying..... it takes ONE to know ONE.....LOL !!!!
Do what makes you happy, screw it if it gets no votes. Consistency is great and people will either choose to like or not.
Votes come and votes go. Same with money.
Sounds cliche, but I actually have fun here... Lol beyond the money. and I've met great people, gotten better at writing, formed new projects and connected with people to form teams....
And all that without worrying about votes... Lol
Very well said! I find not only the feeds lacking, but the curation projects too. I mainly scroll the recent feed(how I found this post) and do so often without finding a thing to add a vote too or even worth a comment. Imagine that? 🤔😁
Anyway, glad to see you still going strong. I think I noticed your likeness on Uptrennd, which unfortunately failed? It never tickled my interest really, but I don't create much these days anyway.
But please, please, please you talented creators, create more, cuz the feeds are lame, really really lame. You can ask to be removed from a users autovoter too. It happens, I've done it. While the votes are nice, the interaction it erases isn't.
hi you hehehe long time, no see.
I was on Uptrennd haha I was Tiger Lily there. That platform failed miserably after a very sad demise. and I lost a lot of time and money and energy - and it was terrible.
HOWEVER, what i FOUND was priceless. People that left there and are here now - and so close - so dedicated - so loving - so creative - so.... hahahaha
I had a great time in the beginning there- it was SO much fun in the beginning!!! But it didn't take long for the system to fail because it allowed for spam to thrive, scammers to multiply - and no one was doing anything to stop it.
but back to your comment hehe
As far as feeds, I rarely follow them. I go to the blogs that I know are GREAT, and then when I find someone in THEIR comment section that is new and commenting genuinely - and I check them out and follow them if they are consistent. I kinda build my own feed. hahaha
And because people usually know what I love - they tag me when THEY find someone awesome and I find more people that way.
It takes time to pour into people and help them develop. There are a lot of baby bloggers here that are GOOD but are green, and just need help. They just do. hahaha and that honestly takes time. and when they don't get support - they feel very defeated and leave.
but - what can you do? you know? I love Hive, so I find little ways to help and support and I just hope that if I can't make a difference to the big picture, I can make a difference in a lot of little pictures. :)
nice to see you by the way! hehee
I've found some I like, but when I follow them they fill my feed with the reblogs of others or rarely post, so I stopped.
That was you then. I see you've jumped on the POB bandwagon. I don't think their tweaks are the answer, but I'm going to keep my eye on the project.
I've been thinking about picking back up creating, but just can't find the motivation. I have a tonne of content when/if I do though. Maybe when winter gets a bit crazy I will.
Glad to see you are doing well.
the only bandwagon I'm on is DreemPort. hahaha
I support other things too - but bandwagon belongs to my own vision ;)
yeah - as far as your content creation - you will do it when it feels right. No need to force anything. If you have no motivation now - the timing isn't right :)
I'm doing very well! had a very interesting year. 2021 was more difficult than 2020 for me. but 2022 is my jam. heheheh i just know it ;)
oh - and my autovoters... we do interact on each other's posts. but we are trying to support so many people that we understand it can't be every post that we read and comment.
If i did that - I'd probably only be able to support 10 people realistically.
So it's kinda like... we want to help one another grow - so that we can build our HP and use that to help more people like us (all levels). we view the vote as a daily thing. and we know that a chat and comment is more like a weekly thing.
some people don't like autovotes - cuz it diminishes their engagement.
I autovote people all the time - and I'm usually in the top 5 of engagement on Hive weekly hahahaha (I actually reached #1 a month ago woooot - first time ever haha)
I guess it's just knowing what you're comfortable with - and then thriving in those parameters :)
Lololol wow....I think that cat needs help hahahaha
I have been thinking about this for long. Considering the fact that most people get into the spaminator list if they seem to be milking the system.
I don't really know how spaminator are picked out of the rest of us. I just have a feeling they are those whom you described milk the system with less endearing and shitty posts. (No offense)
When I thought, would hive frown upon my account if I publish more than one posts everyday? I cringe at the idea, sincerely.
So I just mentally stick to one post daily, knowing that I still have many years ahead to share the rest of my posts with my followers and friends.
So I'll build up with one, if circumstances change, like having to play a bigger role on hive as you do or as that woman who supports every Newbies does too(sorry, the spelling of her name skips my memory, all I remember is that there is a Britt as prefix to her name.) . Then I'll move over to more than one post
All in all, I'll follow my heart, it always knows where to go, and it has served me well up to this point.
no - spaminator doesn't go after people with more than one.
I think they go after plagiarism only. but some people who are posting more than one post (only SOME - because I post more than one post lololol) a day are doing it because they are plagiarizing and that's how they're pumping out more than one easily.
when I post 2 or 3 a day (and that's usually when I'm maybe doing a post for DreemPort, then a post for me - and then maybe a video - and all of these take at least 3 hours to do!! but this is my full time job hahahah) I ALWAYS focus on good content. never bullshit. and if it's a post that I don't want to collect on? (like if its just a boring announcement that only took me a few minutes to write) then i'll refuse rewards so that it doesn't seem like i'm trying to just get upvotes for nothing.
and you are a great writer.
if you did 2 posts in a day - i don't think anyone would have a problem with that at all.
you might not get as many upvotes (because people can't usually upvote one person twice if they only have limited votes per day) but still - as long as you know this - go for it! hehehe
rather... follow your heart, as you say :)
always best to do this!
Oh really? Thanks for clarifying this.
This is exactly what I am talking about, maybe, when I have different roles to play in the community, my posts counts will increase in a day.
For myself, I'll follow my heart, thanks for the support.
stay sane and boring dreem ;)
That's my motto!
Be as boring as you possibly can be. Then you blend in and never have to be taken back to the asylum ...ever...again.
MOTS are truly not worth a thing.
...but there is something fascinating about the SECCsy people.
youuuuuuuuu!!!!!! look at you!!!!!!!! LOL
I think it would be unfair to limit the number of posts a writer puts out a day as long as they are of great quality, that should be considered building the community rather than milking the system.
Personally not a fast writer so couldn't attempt more than one post a day 🤣🤣 but got to admire those who can.
Ps: Completely going to ignore what SECCs sound like as well 😁
hahahahahaha well you will eventually be faster and then when you have more to share - you go for it - cuz you're a SECCsy WRITER hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I am still wondering how people are able to earn 6 figures blogging. Do you think I can do affiliate marketing on my blog here on Peakd or Hive?
I truly think the people who are worried about chasing the money - will always be chasing the money. I'm not saying that's a bad thing - i'm just saying its freaking exhausting. Cuz you are constantly worrying, constantly stressing, always watching your upvotes, always anxious that you could do better.
But when you make your CRAFT your passion- you are constantly wondering, constantly striving, always managing your schedule, always improving to do better.
they may sound similar - but the heart and motivation is different.
Not saying one is better than the other.
Saying one is a lot more preferable TO ME than the other.
But you do do! :) Find your rhythm - try not to burn out - enjoy what you do.
and if you think you can earn money with affiliate marketing on a platform? it's your world. Try and see. I've seen others drive traffic to their sites - I have no idea if it makes them financially successful or not. I'm not a salesman because I'm very very bad at sales LOL I just do what I love. hahaha
I guess we do what we do. As long as we have a roof above our heads, get to do all the great stuff we want to do in the world, I'm not going to chase money.
I have my plans and my goals. I hope things will happen for me in 2022. I'm working and praying even more.
2022 is going to be amazing
i just know it :)
2022! Let's go!
I really love the analogy and how you said "Let the votes be what they are"
Definitely learnt a lot from this
Thanks - glad that it connected with you :)
Yeah it did
You're welcome
Hahaha 😍😁
Well said, @dreemsteem!
LOLOLOL thanks my friend!!! :)
We absolutely need to milk HIVE.
LOL if you want to milk - then that makes you a milker.
If you want to be a SECCsy blogger - then just do the damn thing ;)
SECCsy blogger??? what's the tag for that????
let's make one
there you go hahahaha
wooohoooo! I'm going to use that one!
I guess I should add it to my post above. LOL
seriously, try less snow