Disaster Strikes

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

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You'll have heard so many sayings when disaster comes to call on you, I'm sure.

"When God closes a door, He always opens a window."
"Every cloud has a silver lining."
"This too shall pass."
"Life goes on."

or my personal favorite...

"Sucks to be you."

Yes, in fact, when disaster strikes, it does actually suck to be in that position.

The video below was taken in April. I knew that I would be recording videos to start being released NOW - to show the "behind the scenes" of what happens with a project build. At that time - everything was on track for our project! Things were looking rosy - and hope was just generally high!

It's now June 25


But you know - sometimes, when you're dealing with a stubborn, determined woman... that's really what MUST happen to FORCE HER to take that detour, and the detour could be the best thing that you didn't know you really needed/wanted/hoped for.

As I was preparing this video to be uploaded, I was watching it again. Wondering - if I could go back to talk to THAT girl in the video - what would I do? Would I warn her of the upcoming "doom" hahaha or - would I just let it happen and know that each painful step brought her to today - June 25. The day before the project is STILL about to start its testing phase.

Hard to say, isn't it?

The choices that we make - even when they're extremely painful lessons - DO SHAPE US in every way for the future that we are making.

I don't know what I'd do - and I don't have to really answer that question, unless one of you out there knows the secret to time travel? If so - share it, and I'll get that winning lottery ticket and split all the money with you when I'm back! 🤣

But here's the thing. The really COOL thing I noticed. The girl in the video? The hopeful one with the big smile? She's still hopeful, and still smiling! The disaster came and did its worst. And I'm still standing.

Not just standing - but feeling pretty excited again. The detours have reshaped the vision a bit here and there, but the destination is still looking amazing and I'm a better #dreemer because of it all.


In one of my favorite stories of all time - (The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas) - Edmond Dantes inspires Albert Mondego in a beautiful scene. I'll share it with you. You can borrow it from time to time, if you're in need of inspiration too.

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you” -Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

Isn't it so true? What defines our character is what we do WHEN the storm hits.

So dear friend, whether you're basking in the sunlight or being shattered on the rocks,
shout into the storm and make your stand. Then we will know you.

For those who would like to see the makings of something new (in all its faults and glory), I'll continue to share these videos. Enjoy, and if you feel so inclined - engage 😊

I hope the testing period goes well!

Disaster Image

Burning Image

Detour image

▶️ 3Speak


Yep! Life is multifaceted and one of these facets is that it's a storm. So, Edmond Dante is right there. These storms help define who we truly are.

Like you said - What defines our character is what we do WHEN the storm hits. I also like to rely on a similar saying - If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. ~ (Proverbs 24:10 NKJV)

If only the lovely smiling lady in the video knew of the impending 'disaster', would she have smiled? From my teeny-tiny knowledge of her, I say YES! She would have definitely smiled!

Kepp smiling, ma'am. We believe the testing period will go well. Thanks for the encouraging words in this post. You are an inspiration to us all. 😉🤗💖

Hehehhee I love this comment!!!! I'm smiling from ear to ear now!!!

So...yes...the tears came and went and now it's back to smiling!!!!! Lololol

I'm so excited for our testing!!!! I think it's going to be amazing hehehe

Just a few more hours until we get the testers set up and ready to begin!!! Eeeeek! Hehehhee

Have you ever read the book (or have you seen the movie ) of Count of Monte Cristo?

The movie with Jim Cavaziel is one of my favorite movies hehehehe

If you haven't seen it...you should! Hehehehe

Very very wonderful story!!

Yes, yes! So ready to begin testing. 😄

I have watched the movie starring Jim Cavaziel and I loved it. I hope to read the book, sometime. When I do, I'll watch the movie again!

Happy weekend, ma'am. 😊

Hehehhee me too!!! So good!

I heard the book is a difficult read... Hehehe so maybe jt would be a challenge for us! Lolol

The Dreem is lit and spot on. It has never been too easy. Challenges came and doors were closed. Doubts came in at some point but not for long.

Here we are, starting this journey and making effort to make necessary adjustments whenever the need arises.

This too shall become very successful and serve as a starting point for greater things to come.

Hi king!!!!! Ive been missing you! Hehehhee

Been so busy but really miss our talks in dm!

They're returning soon heheheh

And would very much love the greater things to come.... NOW!!!hahahhahahaha

But will be patient.

And trust

And enjoy the journey!!!!


Hahah... I will have to prepare the DM to be sure sure that it won't be slippery for our Alpha, the Red Belt K. 😂

Everything will be happening accordingly. The big things and the bigger things. Even the smallest of all things will get bigger as time goes on.

I'm all in for having fun and enjoying the process while hoping for a great result. Work is fun as far as this is concerned - and l like fun 😂.

Bless you ✌️

plus you have a queen to keep your time occupied also now. hehehehe
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nevermind! LOLOL

We believe that hardships and disasters are there to smash us and they really do the same, but now the difference occurs between the strong people are others. I found you the most courageous; determined and highly motivated lady who is attempting to build the new stuff from the ashes. My all the best wishes are with you mam: stay firm; stay delighted and be there to inspire us❤

I tell you the truth..... If not for this team???? Hehehe I wonder if it would have happened.

You say I inspire you all but the truth is.. all of the team's faith in this dreem (and dreemer hahaha) was really the big thing that pulled me out of the sadness of that time!!!

And now? It's what excites me...thinking we are taking more and more steps to reach out ultimate destination hehehe

Hopefully!!! Hopefully!!!! 💕❤️

Thank you Writer Ayesha heheheh

Hehe, the dreamer is inspiring and team the is assisting to make the dreem real. Just like the stars assist the moon in making the sky more glittery at night❤
May God bless you, mam.

Amen to that

today was incredible!!! it couldn't have gone more perfect!!!

i'm so excited about it all hehehehehe :)

-Hi Ma'am! What I have seen in the video was a very determined, firm, and inspired woman with a big heart, you know what, that what makes you different from the others, you are always trying to do things not only for the sake of yourself but for the goodness of many people, and I admire your qualities as a person, you are tough with a soft heart

And sometimes one door should be closed for us to discover the right door..because God always prepares what is best for us..so just enjoy the journey..with God as the guide!! Love lots!❤

Have a successful and blessed day!❤🌷

hehehehe thank you!!! That's what I really do try to be! tough with a soft heart hehehe

I am ready for whatever God has in store for us - and we will work with excellence and determination to make something that's good for all and helps all! hehehe

let's see if that will work in our favor :)

love you Cherry!!

This is an inspiring article. You had a humble beginning and as we know, great things start small. I salute your determination to continue despite some hitches here and there and such resilience has drawn many of us to you and encouraged us to forge ahead too. Yes when a door closes God opens the window and that brings more opportunities of something better. Sail on Ma'am, with determination and hardwork, you will reap more of God's blessings. We love what you do and have our full support.

Thank you Sis!!!

I just dropped the link for the day tomorrow for all of the staff :)

so you can all get a headstart on it hehehehe

we begin!!!! :)

As you said, hard to say but you never know! So what's the harm in trying? If someone tries something sincerely, there is every chance they will succeed, and more so when you have a fired-up team behind you. Let's do it :)

hehehehe exactly Suny!!! and there is really QUITE the fired up team ready to roll hehehehe

just a few more hours and its officially begun! :)

all we can do is try our best :)

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Thank you so much @ecency !!! your votes always encourage me!!!! so I think the encouragement program is doing well ! hehehehe

Uhrm!! Those are heart touching line you wrote out there ma'am. I have the conviction that Gid burns down the house to build a castle in replacement. One need not be told of your untiring desire to always get to work and succeed, the one thing that attracts me personally to you.
Now that the other house is burnt down and the flood flushed away the debris, we hope for a blooming.

The captain of a ship is usually the last to dock, like in Titanic, he decided to be buried therein as the shipwrecked and nose dived to the belly of the sea.

I know of a new birth that bring a soothing refreshment, a bliss of new horizon where barriers are broken. That's where we are.

Thanks for not mourning the burnt house for too long and for coming out stronger and determined to reach the peak of your dreem.

that's right - this captain will stay til the end ;)

you know that hehehe

and - I do hope for all good, better and best things for us all :)

thank you for your encouragement - and i'll see you for the meeting in 20 minutes! hehehe don't be late! hehehe

Thanks Captain.
I believe.

I die-hard one at that. I am a #Dreemer.

hehehehe hard core 😇
#dreemer for life hehehe

What a beautiful and personal story Dreemy! It’s so refreshing to hear stories like these. Your so genuine and authentic about your journey and THAT is why you will eventually succeed at whatever you do! Because you are busy compounding a precious commodity that is extremely scarce and valuable. You are compounding trust! 🙌

Thank you for bringing this sort of energy to Hive! You better believe it when I say... we need people just like you here. 🙏

I’m excited to see and hear about what’s next in a couple short days!


@wil.metcalfe - are you on discord? 😊

You bet I am!

Sorry! Slept in and then the power went out over here! Only now getting back up to SONIC SPEED! 😉

Just search “wil.metcalfe#3506” and you should be able to find me that way! 🙌

I will do this tonight!!! We are about to go on a boat for a deep sea fishing trip hehehe

I'm sure I'll do a post with pics lol

And I think I can do that with your name but sometimes it won't let me find people unless I'm in their server. I think it might be a setting I have turned on??? But I can't find it to turn it off hahahaha

But i shall endeavor to persevere!!! Lol

If I can't find you tonight...I'll join a server you're in! ☺️

Sorry your power went out! But glad it's back hehehe.

That happens to us often since we live rurally hehehe