
Very interesting first half. Your text kinda complements my comment in post 1 (though I'm not that articulate with the words haha). "The smallest minority on earth is the individual." You realized that yourself: There's no same. Not even a mother can produce two equal individuals. Sure, we can look alike. But when we analyze the different facets, we'll realize ppl are widely different. And it's ok. We can live with that.

Baby's first words are usually the cultural derivatives of "dada, mama, and MINE." This is one of our sames. I wonder what the world would be if we changed that same to "Here, it's yours."

It feels to me that it's our animal mentality manifesting. Have you ever seen how animals are protective with food, especially dogs. It might have to do with scarcity, who knows... However, we are the only animal with mental capacity to say "oops, this is wrong." Sure we do have a long way to go when it comes to sharing, but it could be much worse. Imagine humans biting one another because of something \o\