
I haven't...but it's been bookmarked for further investigation and discussion with my Hyumi, Barge ;D

now i have to decipher the cleverness of this statement... hahahahaha

My Dawg knows me well and we've got a good understanding where we try not to answer for each other he he.
Basically, when she drew my attn. to the DP Whitepaper, we both really liked the idea. What gets me though is the 'C' word - Commitment. 5 articles/day may not be much (to some) esp. when you just have to give a thumbs up/down + score, but but but..... I'd have to think about it more - I don't post much, have become disillusioned with all the conflict and d/voting vendettas and am no longer so sure how (or if) I wanna continue to play this game.

btw such beautiful singing 🙏

Yo my bargingHyumi ❤