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RE: Leaving the US? Where do crypto-lovers go? Help???

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Wow that's a pretty sweet deal!!! But of has to be about more than just the crypto, and the fact that you're not so happy with it right now makes me skeptical hehehe

I've just started reading that book that I mentioned in th video and I'm already hooked hahaha

I'm hoping that he's going to seriously walk me through what it's like. I was thinking I might start sharing what I'm learning in videos so people can glean with me without needing to read hahaha...we'll see lol

But as far as countries... I'm toward Central America right's still close-ish to family, but the benefits of being in a place where cost of living is much lower and crypto friendlier too. Hmmmm but we are still so far from this (I think! Hehehe)

Thank you so much for your comment and sharing into the conversation! It would be so cool if others would come and get tips even in the comment section as it builds hehehe