and you can join in too!!! become part of a team and help along! hehehe
you know your cousin already has a team!! see if he wants you to join in for some fun to cheer on your newbie together! or bring in another newbie - and you and him can be the coaches and you can work all together! hahahaha
ask him what you should do to join in! :)
Yes, I already read about joining a team and I would love to get involved. However,I will ask kene for more clarifications. Thanks Dreemie ❤️ and have a lovely day
wooooot...she's ready! hehs
Hahaha 😂😂😂
I am ready, I would have joined yesterday but my phone went off just after commenting, just started charging a few minutes ago
you still have time hehee
remember this is rest week! hehe the collaboration begins next week 🥰❤️🥰❤️🌹❤️
Yes, I read that as well 😇✅👍😍🥰