
I tell my wife she has to call me Oculus when she plays Arizona Sunshine with me. She tells me she'll call me whatever the f**k she wants, lol. True love.


oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. i'm dying laughing hahahahahahahahahaahhahaha

ok - i don't know Arizona Sunshine hahahahhaha

but now i have to look for it

I just finished playing my silly game - Morels Homestead - its a totally relaxing game where you build a home and garden and find stuff on the land with your metal detector and sell your veggies and go on quests to take pictures of animals and find the scarecrow in the center of the corn maze... (that shit took me 45 minutes to find that little jerk!) LOL

but i love it.. its like the perfect way to wind down my night since i have no tv hahahahahaa

Build a home and garden? What? If I can build a home and garden to raise an army and conquer the universe then I’m in.