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RE: January Journey- Do you Detox?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

A fast is definitely a type of detox.. and I have fasted many many times!!! Hehehehe and they are a wonderful way to not only gain control of the body and mind, but also to give your body a rest from some of the onslaught of toxicity that we are exposed to....moment by moment really! Heheh

But if you follow along, you'll see a lot of things that are done on a detox that make it a very targeted approach to removing toxins from the "storage areas" of the

They are not MEANT to be storage areas. hahaha. They are meant to filter and REMOVE on a consistent basis... But much like that inbox in the video....the "boss" is filling your inbox with work faster than you can complete it.

This is just simply due to the environment that we find ourselves in right now.... Just take a look at our rain and our pollution and our oceans and our soil... This is what is feeding the food that's feeding us. The air we breathe, water we drink...even when we just go for a walk...

I'm so thankful that I live at a high elevation and drink water from an artesian well...lolol. But even with that- I'm still surrounded by poisons.

Some people believe the body can handle all the poisons, regardless.

But one looks at our population and the amount of chronic disease, and auto-immune issues, and obesity, etc.... And you can see we are actually NOT keeping up very well. But we are just rather becoming desensitized and accept a "new norm"

I developed some serious autoimmune issues over the past years and it got very bad a few years ago. For me...this detox is hard (but not as hard as the 21 day fasts I do hahahhaah) but when I choose to set my heart and mind on completing has ALWAYS been incredibly beneficial for my body, mind and spirit! Heheheh

But there are a lot of moving parts to this detox! Hehehe I try to do them all to get the most benefit from it! Let's see if I can keep it up for the full 26 days. Heheh

And then ease back into a modified lifestyle where I find balance in the everyday! Hehehe


I don't know if I am prepared to read a book about detox right now but you are inspiring me to at least cut out the shit that has crept it's way back into my diet. I don't usually stick with it because I don't feel much of a difference even after a month, but I am sure that having 6 cookies today wasn't good for my not-supposed-to-be-storage-areas. I would love to create an ecosystem of healthy bacteria in my gut primarily. My body doesn't seem to absorb nutrients very well and I think it has something to do with that.
