hehehehe yes - I did know that you had slipped away, but that is always ok with me. I also need to slip away at times. And honestly - I think everyone should! hehehe
I had tagged you once or twice in the @ecency discord - but that was just tell you hi and I noticed you were missing and that you were loved! hehehe
And - I do understand about not wanting the light on you for that tag. I didn't view it as a negative at all - I loved what you did, and I loved that you brought something at that time that will be forever remembered (in my mind at least hehe) It's just about honoring the people involved and sending them a little "hug" every time I speak their name! hehehehe
If you'd like me to stop tagging you - I certainly will though. Because I know that sometimes it can just feel off. And I don't want that for you! So you tell me if you would rather I just use the tag in the future.
But rest assured - if your name gets tagged by me... it's always with a hug and a smile - nothing more, nothing less hehehehe
I'm the same as you with patience. God has been teaching me so much about patience these two years. Because, I too - seem to have ramped up the "Are we there yet?" mentality. hahahaha Probably you're right - that it comes from being more than halfway (i guess) through life? And feeling like time is much shorter and we want to see the results before it's too late to fully enjoy them> haahahaha
that would be my guess - but.... I have learned in the last 2 years (especially) that patience is TRULY a virtue that comes with so many blessings. and that rushing never accomplished anything extra in my life, except stress. hahaha
it all comes down to faith I think for me. that if I trust that God is doing something, and I'm being faithful to be diligent with what He's given me - then I can trust that I'm not gonna "miss the boat" and that ultimately His timing is perfect! hehehe That's what my major focus has TRIED to be. Learning, applying, re-learning, re-applying LOLOLOL
my mom....
she is 68 now - and she is probably even more gorgeous now. The woman should sell her genetic material!!! hahahahahaahahah
Love you! and hope you are feeling well all around!!!