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RE: Boxing and Detoxing? I love my Oculus! Yeah baby!!!🥊

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Oh my gosh ..speaking of music... I've been working out with the Oculus doing the Supernatural app

It is SO good

I had it on a 14 day trial just to see!

And I added the subscription now hahahaha it's SO good .it's the first time I've ever been EXCITED to work out!!!


Then that's a good buy! So far I have stayed away from VR stuff... but maybe I should look back into it... I just miss my good old gym days... punching the living daylights out of the heavy bag! That real tangible stuff you know...

But yeah! This could be fun especially if you can do it with people all around the globe! I'll have to think more about this!

You and your machines Dreems! 😂