I always want to take them to see the Underground Gardens.
The name is somewhat deceptive. The first time we went, we were expecting something unusual, something unique - but I was not ready for this experience.
We drove down the street and there was a small plot of land to the side of the road. Some rose bushes, a few trees, and some artificial turf decorated the area leading inside. I was very much unimpressed. Not to mention that all along the street leading up to this tour site, was fast food restaurants, gas stations, maybe a tire shop here or there. How could this be extraordinary?
I'll tell you about the place, but I'll tell you through the story of the man.
As we got closer to the entrance, it got a bit more impressive...
Above our heads were grapevines and lemon trees. Normally around here, you'll see the grapevines on the ground - but walking under an archway of luscious grapes hanging above your head? Just beautiful! And a testament to the artistry and vision of the creator!
Did you see in the first picture - that beautiful little archway near the bottom of the picture? That is the entrance to something so amazing - this man will forever have my admiration and respect.
He was an emigrant from Sicily who had found his way to New York. He worked with a crew of men to build subways - and who could have known that what he learned there would be something that would shape his life so significantly in the near future.
After a time, he headed out west where he was told he could make his fortune in Orange County, California. When he got there, he discovered that the land was a bit more than he could afford, so he headed to central California in the Fresno area. He heard that land was more feasible to buy there. Imagine his thrill when he was able to buy 80 acres of land for $80! (Yes, this was early 1900s! haha Can't get it for that price now! haha)
But when he began to get excited for planting his trees for his grove - he was met with a disaster. 80 acres of hardpan soil - right under the surface! For any other man, his dreams would have been shot. But not Baldarsare. For Baldasare - he had a dream that wouldn't be broken.
This saying is exactly fitting for Baldasare. Not only was the hardpan a blow to his dreams, but the summer heat was not what he was expecting. It was much too hot, and there was no relief. But having his experience building the tunnels, he had an idea.
He didn't have enough money to make ends meet since his grove had to wait a bit, so he got a job as a day laborer and began digging tunnels and eventually made a small little cool opening. It was about 10-15 degrees cooler under the earth. Being in there reminded me of being in a hobbit hole! He created a planter in the center of the room and the created a sky light above to let air and sunlight in. He extended the room and made a little kitchen with a chimney that climbed up the walls, and a little area for him to sleep. On the tour, they said Baldasare had the original "man cave" and I have to admit - it was true! An underground treasure cove!
When I tell you that what you see in that picture is just the start - believe me! It's just the start! He created one room after another, several bedrooms - upgraded his living area, secret passageways and more! He was a master grafter and patient gardener. He found ways to plant trees and vines along the walls and then train them to grow into little holes in the wall and come out in decorative displays. He grafted 7 types of citrus fruit into one tree and had a marvel of creation!
One of my favorite things that he did - was he created a system where he would collect rain water up top on the hot surface and then allow it to be funneled down into his bathtub under the surface. He was one of the original solar heat men! haha He also created a masterpiece of a room that was 2 stories high. Above him was a glass ceiling pond filled with fish that he brought from the local streams. In the cool of the day, he would go underneath and watch the fish above him. What an artist!
Have you ever had these kind of creative bursts? I always thought I had overwhelming visions - but when I saw his vision come to life, I realized that HE truly had the kind of visions that HAD to be expressed or else! Walking through those tunnels, that opened up into one extraordinary experience after another - I really wished that I had the opportunity to meet this man. But I don't think many really got to experience him. He never children or married, and he preferred a reclusive life. I think he preferred to just express himself in his work, and hope that it would be appreciated one day. Perhaps that's what how he wanted to be known- through his work.
I loved this. I think anyone who knows me and knows my passion to create (and knows my financial limitations LOLOL) would probably know that the saying above speaks to me! So many people can do a lot of things because they simply have the money to pour into it! But when you can create something out of (relatively) nothing but ideas - and work at it until you have something that amazes even you? Wow. WOW! Well, he truly was the epitome of this. I could show you so many pictures of his palace! But - I really would wish that you would see it for yourself. You'll have to ask @bbqgriffinwings and @bluefinstudios if it was worth the tour! 😄
Doesn't that quote from him just sing to you? What he created is truly worth millions of dollars now. Sadly, he died in 1946 from a bout with pneumonia. His brother Guiseppe was the only one of his siblings to see that there was value in what he was doing. When his land was split amongst the siblings and sold off - only Guiseppe went back with his money and bought the heart of the land that held what is now the tour. When I heard that? I just started crying. If you could see all that was put into this land - what a treasure it was! And only one of his siblings thought to save it?? Others sold theirs to companies who literally just filled all that hard work up with dirt and built over it. Thankfully, Guiseppe rescued it - and his children and children's children kept the vision alive. Their family is the reason why there are tours and his story is still told.
It's been about 75 years since he passed away, but I would have loved to meet this man, have a meal with him, and just watch him talk about the reasons why he built, carved, grew, and grafted. I feel like when I look at his picture, I'm looking at someone so special. His eyes seem to hold so much genius, and compassion, and stories untold. Wouldn't you love to be a part of his world? I'll officially invite you to come visit me - and I'll be happy to share his wonders with you!
*All photos captured by me, on the tour of the Underground Gardens in Fresno, CA
Hahaha.... What was the line you used in my DM? "One hell of a man?" I think so.
Wowww, where do people get their passion from? I must say that the lifestyle of this Baldasare is a model one. His devotion to his dream is very impressive. How did he pull that off?
His level of creativity is truly unmatched. And, he had enough hurdles to deal with even before kicking off the plan. But he didn't bit an eyelid. Now, that sounds like a certain Dreemer l know. I must say that l'm not surprised about your intention to crosspaths with someone of his caliber.
I wonder what outsiders would have thought of him at that time. They would have probably seen him as someone that was chasing shadows but he didn't give in to it.
Heheh... Seems like you went to refill your energy and strengthen your resolve. I'm glad.
If you could have seen it with your own eyes - you would have been SO impressed!!!! I really want to show this to people with their own eyes - its why I didn't show too many pictures of the site. because you have to see it to really take it all in!!!!
I did get refilled! hehehe it was amazing - and i LOVED getting to share that with @bluefinstudios !!! :)
Was it worth the tour?
not only are the gardens amazing, but he is an inspiration!
so special! and i'm so glad after 2 years you finally got to see it!!
It seems that you had a great trip ha,😁
It was so wonderful! I really love this place so much! Its powerful to experience :)
I can imagine that. Coming to a place that we are looking forward to seeing is always a great experience 😍
Sing to my soul? More likely woke mine up and danced with me. I have been having certain ideas for my bonsai and something clicked when I read this post.
Can't wait for this lock down to be over to go out and collect some material for my project..
It may or may not work but at least I would have tried.
Thanks for posting this, he is absolutely inspiring.
Wish I could visit this place some day, Some people strive so hard for stuff but people like these show you life isn't always about money.
I so so so wish that you could see it.
I really could not even begin to capture what he did @sofs-su. So I didn't even try.
I have gone to see it 3 times - and the first time, I actually wept - it was so beautiful and he was a remarkable man.
If you are EVER in the area - I want to take you there! Really - it is just one of those things that you have to see to really understand what a master this man was.
And the saddest thing is that he was completely unappreciated by his entire family. EXCEPT for his brother Guiseppe!
I'm SO happy that he saw the beauty in his brother's work.
I really cannot understand how ANYone could not see the value there!!!
this place was truly amazing.
hahahahaha a comment from last summer that i missed....
you've actually missed quite a few, over the past few months.
no you
this place sounds interesting...
this place makes me emotional. been there... 4 times? and i would keep going back again and again! hehhe
I feel like I've been there a few times, too!
wanna go again? hehehe soon we will start planning our October!!! that will be fun! hehehe
Maybe we can have a reception in the big WWII Aerodome?
and we must have our favorite tour guide and i surely forget her name!!!!! wahhhhhhhhhhhh