Haha, great photo! Yes, the corporate media lies about how many people attend protests, to discredit our cause. A very old tactic which they will never stop using. Good on ya for pointing out the BS.
Wow, $100 USD and trending on Hive! Pretty good for 2 paragraphs and someone else's photograph, eh?! Do you have a source for the image, by the way?
Just to follow on from the question of source, I did try but was unable to complete the chain of numerous people who sent the image to each other before it arrived at the group. So, I suppose we cannot say with certainty it is a real image. But it certainly looks amazing and even if it has been created to serve as propaganda, I am happier to stand behind this than the mainstream propaganda!
Thanks for asking around! Well, I see no reason to stand behind propaganda, no matter how well-intentioned. The way the image is blurry makes it hard to know what to make of it. But yes, it might be real, who knows! I imagine that if it is, there are other photographs (and videos) of the same event, from different cameras. I can't seem to find any, but if anyone does, please let me/us know.
One thing that seems certain is that the size of protests is increasing as the mandates and tyranny increases. And that corporate media is doing what they always do... downplay the size and passion of the protests, and lie about their cause. Sad so many people still empower those corrupt corporate whores!
I took a moment to check to full definition of propaganda:
Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis.
It seems to me that I have been a party to a form of propaganda since arriving on this platform. My intention is to influence my audience. My agenda is clear. I selectively present facts to encourage a particular synthesis.
The only difference between me and the elite is that I value truth & human life. But ultimately we are both augmenting reality to a certain extent to achieve our goals.
I will get in touch with @mammasitta (who was at the event) to see if she has any images or contacts in Vienna which might be able to verify this one. Surely someone there had a drone???
It is an awe inspiring photo hey. That's why I couldn't help but post it immediately! This is surely a million people?
Source? Hmmmm. I could ask in the group but something tells me it won't lead me to an answer. Let me check...
Bit like what you said about catching the cheerleader moment, I suppose something like this also strikes a chord so deeply with people. But yes, I certainly wasn't expecting to receive such generous rewards!