I have coworkers that took the Pfizer. My mother took that one as well.
It is not yet FDA approved and they have no information on long term effects. There are reports of people getting ill near people that have taken those vaccines that are not vaccinated. It is suspected to be related to the spike proteins that the mRNA gene therapy starts making your body produce.
At the moment people that went through menopause fairly recently have had periods. Women have had multiple periods in a time they normally have one. Blood clots, etc.
It is all really new but the common thread seems to be that it is occurring to non-vaccinated people who are around people that took these vaccines.
It is still really new, but do know that you basically volunteered for an experiment. The Pfizer and Moderna are not vaccines in the traditional sense. They are actually gene therapy.
I do hope it works out well for you and everyone (vaccinated, and non-vaccinated).
I do know that in some places 60% of the new COVID patients in hospitals have been vaccinated but that also includes the Johnson & Johnson and Astrazeneca.
I am not afraid of COVID and people really shouldn't be. The mortality rate is now actually quite low even in the at risk population. We have gotten better at treating it than we were when it was first on the scene.
I also think if these things work that those vaccinated shouldn't be still being asked to socially distance, wear masks, etc unless of course it is in fact an experiment and they don't know what it is going to do.
This is of course my opinion.
I know vaccines CAN work. Yet that doesn't mean I should blindly trust pharmaceutical companies that have been given liability protection.
Do they have that protection in Canada as well?
Yes. I know I am part of an experiment. I am very exited about gene therapy. I hope we can solve all illness with similar “vaccines” and maybe eliminate all disease. Especially Cancer since I have lost so much of my family to Cancer.
Gene therapy could be great. Yet I stand by my main hang up. Tell me any other industry that has liability protection for their products. If you can find one you can then show me a study on how that impacts their considerations about safety.
If you are okay with injecting things without knowing the long term (in this case even the short term) consequences that is totally your choice.
I think you should be able to put anything you want into your body as long as it is voluntary and the consequences for that choice fall on you.
I apply this to myself as well. I am paranoid enough about what I choose to put into my body that the liability protection is a no sell. I also want some long term data.
I also see red flags when some data cannot be gotten and seems to be intentionally kept under wraps.
Basically what I am saying is "My Body My Choice" applies to all of us.
And if people try to call me selfish for not taking a vaccine I say "I sure am, and people have an abortion are selfish too" :)
EDIT: TO be clear my one stint in the hospital ended up being nearly 23 days and I almost died twice. I was supposed to be there only 2 days. I am certain I could have sued for malpractice. I didn't. I am not litigious.
Yet I had the choice. With vaccines I don't have that choice. I couldn't sue for damages if I wanted to. They took the choice and right away.
I have no idea what I am putting into my body every day.... all the chemical and toxins on our food, our meat. Hell the Canadian government allows over 97 toxic chemicals to be used on the “legal” cannabis they grow.... including myclobutanil that is a known killer.
Oh I am certain you know many of the things you put into your body. You like most of us likely eat some things you know you shouldn't. Yet it is a CHOICE. :)
As long as it a choice and not a mandate I am fine with it. You should be able to do voluntarily whatever you want with your own body as far as I am concerned. The laws do not agree with me on that point... sadly I can't fix that myself.
Do you know how many chemicals are used on your lettuce, tomato’s, bread, beef, chicken, .... everything ...
I know some of them but it varies. However, if I could prove I was damaged by any of those things sold to me I could sue them for damages.
I can't do that for vaccine manufacturers. As far as I know they are the only industry that has such protections.
There have been cases where they have reverted to older vaccines (MMR) that were not as safe because they were less expensive to make and they had no liability. I have a big problem with that.
I do know quite a few ingredients that go into some vaccines. Some of them I would never knowingly put into my body.
For me if they give me the warning of possible side effects and I choose to take that risk that is my choice.
IF on the other hand I am forced to take it, and I cannot sue people when I am damaged by it that is a problem.
You would never eat again if you knew what was in the fungicides, pesticides, algaecides on all your food. Do you know what this stuff does to your DNA ?
I am very familiar with that. I am especially familiar with round up, and round up resistant seeds.
I am aware of all these people with intolerances to things like Gluten that didn't seem to be that big of a problem several decades ago. Yet these same people have occasionally reported traveling to a remote place in Europe and eating bread and things with gluten without having problems.
That's actually a pretty good example of us playing with genetics without knowing about long term consequences. Yet Monsanto(now owned by Bayer) in the case of Round Up and such is aware and HAS BEEN successfully sued over damages. It doesn't have liability protection.
Also... I have to eat. I don't have to take a vaccine.