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RE: The Power of Fear (POB WOTW #005)

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

One day I heard about swim trials and thought it would be a new start to a better life. I wasn't wrong, and I'm happier for it.

As long as you are happy doing this, it's okay

he fear never left me, though, and that's what surprises me. It's how I looked at things afterward that changed.

Oh, that is very surprising. But since your perspective of things changed, it is also good.

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It is what has surprised me the most. All my ailments haven't left since I jumped in there. They have just quieted, but I know they are there. It's a constant vigil that seems like a daily chore now. In a way, I need that fear to remind me that I'm fallible. It helps me at work because I'm observant of my tasks. I can't even begin to explain it.

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You don't even need to explain it

For as long as you understand the way you feel about everything then its fine

I am proud of you from over here

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