What would life be like if it wasn't for enjoying the moments?... My thoughts

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

We have been taught to work now, and play later. We have been taught to delay today's pleasure for future gratification.

Does it work? Do we truly enjoy those gratifications in the future? Or are we stuck in the same way we think, regardless?

Of course, old habits die hard. We can never get around to enjoying the things we labored for because a part of us still thinks tomorrow is unpredictable

But if we are not enjoying the moments, of what use is everything we have worked for?

Be grateful for today, tomorrow will take care of itself

We can only have one life, we might as well enjoy it. The scripture has told us we shouldn't be worried about what we will eat, or wear tomorrow because the Almighty is capable of providing all our needs

Yet, as humans who have lots of fears, we tend to worry a lot about something we are yet to experience. The thing is, if we cast all our cares upon the Almighty, he will always care for us.

I have always known that once I make my decision known to both heaven and earth, I will always receive help.

I remember once when I had a particular topic in my mathematics that I couldn't understand no matter how hard I tried. One holiday, I took it to one of my mathematics teachers. He was religiously inclined, couple with the fact that he was very intelligent.

When I told him I have tried understanding this particular topic. And that I do understand other ones except for this one. He asked me if I had told the Almighty that I didn't understand and that I wanted to.

I said no. The realization dawn on me. I have always tried to do things on my own. Forgetting the existence of the most powerful being. I usually thought it was my might and strength, forgetting that he is the one who gives breath to all things.

Until that morning, when I spoke with my Teacher about that maths. I began to appreciate the existence of the supreme being. And how he is capable of turning things around for his glory.

No one says we shouldn't plan for tomorrow, no. For the scripture is a double-edged sword, and it also tells us to plan carefully what we do, and everything we do will turn out right.

While we plan intensively for the future, watching to counter every loophole that may twat our efforts, we shouldn't forget to sit back at the moment, enjoy it and feel a vast amount of gratitude to the supreme being.... one who makes all things be.

No, we shouldn't wait till tomorrow before we can do all the things we want to do. No, we do not know what tomorrow holds. This is not despising the fact that we need to be positive about what tomorrow brings.

Once we introduced gratitude in to our lives, our eyes will begin to open up to the wonderful things he has created for us to enjoy. Things we naturally ignore and barely pay close attention to. We will discover that we will be feeling joy unspeakable, and it will emanate from the pure delight of gratitude.

@hranhuk, my thoughts as promised.

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It's the same as we say, Do it now before it's too late or tomorrow never comes. And yes, being grateful is one of the most important virtues of life no matter to who you show your gratitude! @dreemport

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It's the same as we say, Do it now before it's too late or tomorrow never comes.

Procrastination is the thief of time.... We may never have the chance to do it tomorrow, so, why don't we go ahead and do it today

And yes, being grateful is one of the most important virtues of life no matter to who you show your gratitude! @dreemport

When we feel gratitude for all the things that we have and will have, life takes a different turn for us

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Firstly, I think the narrative is changing by the day with the new generation we have today, the generation of "You Only Live Once (YOLO), So why not enjoy your life while you're alive... Hehehehe...

Secondly, we tend to underestimate God's presence and role in our lives and its quite disadvantageous to us whether we like it or not

From personal experience I have learnt to just allow God lead, while I follow, I mean, its good to be ambitious, its good to have and make plans, its good to want to be successful, but I have also learnt from my bible that many plans are in the heart of man, but only God's plan for him will be established. Likewise, the Bible also tells us that the Plans of God for our lives are plans of good and not evil, to give us a future, a hope and an expected end...

If only we can acknowledge him, accept his undeniable existence and roles, submit to Him and be eternally grateful, then we will be more than fine...

Beautiful write-up here, very well done

I was brought to your Hive post through @dreemport"

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I think it is a 50-50 things and should be treated as such. We cannot tell the future but there is no saying that we are in the future we fear. So we cater for both timeframes--now and the future. Although these days the future has began to matter more and I am learning to delay gratification but not totally. The goal is to be in a position where I can take more complex risk and not be afraid or deterred.

Enjoy your youth, and plan for old age.

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I think it is a 50-50 things and should be treated as such. We cannot tell the future but there is no saying that we are in the future we fear. So we cater for both timeframes--now and the future.

Of, you are right, as it stands, today is the future we feared yesterday..... We will keep having this future and we need to cater for both as you said.

Although these days the future has began to matter more and I am learning to delay gratification but not totally.

I like your style

The goal is to be in a position where I can take more complex risk and not be afraid or deterred.

Hey, I am going to have to copy this ... 😊🤗

Enjoy your youth, and plan for old age.

Most definitely, sir, thanks 😊

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Your thoughts on this aspect is valid and you got a 100% from my heart. I feel like you were talking to me 🙈

I can plan a lot, I love planning and I always try my best to show it to God Almighty even if it may seem impossible to some people who see me planning.

But then, I also try to enjoy the present that I'm seeing because I don't know if the next hour will come. Christ may come anytime, I always remind myself that.

Thanks for this wonderful one girl, you're doing well. Come and cut soap for me na

Hope you pass that maths exam well later on 😃


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-Hi! Its good to enjoy every moment of our lives, and most importantly let God be always involved in it!. There were times that some people forget the existence of God in a way when they are happy, and only remember him in times of challenges. Its happier that our life is God centered it feels like everything is good or lite..guided..things like that! I wish you always enjoy your life in every step of the way! Have a blessed evening!🙏💕


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There were times that some people forget the existence of God in a way when they are happy, and only remember him in times of challenges.

Truly, most of us are guilty in this area.... We forget the Almighty when things is going well, and run back to him when life deals us blows

But that shouldn't be the case, we ought to hod unto him at all times, irrespective of what we are facing.... Cos he is a loving father

Have a blessed evening!🙏💕

You too, ma'am 🥺

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Beautiful thoughts!

And something caught my attention.

First, maybe I have to watch out for some comments I can make around here. As they are people from all over the world and different types of cultures... There is the possibility of these religious issues and faith being stronger.

I've noticed a lot of people mentioning this lately.

I'm not a totally religious person or attached to a thing. I have an independent way of seeing things and believing. But that doesn't mean I don't believe it. I just can't explain hahaha

But I believe that when you trust yourself and want to try to solve something you can! Much of your thought power and positivity goes from that hour. Some people call it faith, some call it God, and so on.

That's why I say that I really understand it ^^

I'm not a totally religious person or attached to a thing. I have an independent way of seeing things and believing. But that doesn't mean I don't believe it. I just can't explain hahaha

Hahahahaha.... Do you know I thought of what your take is in religious matters when I wrote this?

I tried to remember the things you uphold in your blog, inorder to see if you were a religious person or not

I figured you weren't, but, I apologise, the music I was listening to made me write this in a religiously inclined form

I just went with the flow

By the way, when I received your comment notification, l didn't preview all, but, my instincts told me, this is the path you'll be towing

But I believe that when you trust yourself and want to try to solve something you can! Much of your thought power and positivity goes from that hour. Some people call it faith, some call it God, and so on.

Everyone has a name for it..... For us, it's the God-factor. We do not joke around with this beliefs. It's only that most times we err and fault, but he still forgives us as a dear father that he is

Thanks for the opportunity granted to write this though 😊

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Do not worry

I liked!

I liked very much.

I just remembered that fact. And as I'm a person who loves to talk about "life" it takes me to very far thoughts at all hahahaha

Do not worry
I liked!
I liked very much.

Awwwnnnn.... Thank you, Sir 😊😊

I just remembered that fact. And as I'm a person who loves to talk about "life" it takes me to very far thoughts at all hahahaha

Hahahhahha...... You don't even need to say it, your blog and writing speaks volumes about you

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Life of today has become so busy that one don't find time for his self but despite the fact that we are so busy we must enjoy life as we know the fact that every moment of life is precious and must be enjoyed. We never know the moment life is going to end ..so why not stay happy and enjoy .

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I believe we should fall in love with the process. Taking the path towards the goals should be the best way to have a pleasant walk, I believe that this way we will also be trusting in what God has in store for us day after day.

I believe we should fall in love with the process.

I believe so, too, sir

Taking the path towards the goals should be the best way to have a pleasant walk,

Ha..... Life is full of pleasant walks, we are the ones who feel life is burdensome because we forget to look closer at the beautiful things of life.

I believe that this way we will also be trusting in what God has in store for us day after day.

Yes, I agree, if we take the beautiful walk of life, with the consciousness that the Almighty cares, life will take a different turn for us.

Thank you for contributing, sir

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I believe we should fall in love with the process. Taking the path towards the goals should be the best way to have a pleasant walk, I believe that this way we will also be trusting in what God has in store for us day after day.

Honestly I might not really be of this opinion at first maybe due to some goals that I have ,but mere looking at this now,am totally on this with you mate, perfect one from you

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The world we leave on today is the world of struggle, work come first before living in the life of enjoyment and I believe that is how is suppose to be.

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work come first before living in the life of enjoyment and I believe that is how is suppose to be.

But then, shouldn't we take some time out, and enjoy ourselves?

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Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. We much attempt to achieve balance and moderation to avoid the madness.

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Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't

Clearly, this is life for us..... Unpredictable 😌

We much attempt to achieve balance and moderation to avoid the madness.

This is exactly what we should do because the madness is inevitable is don't

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Our root shows up every now then. Without blinking an eyelid I can say that you were in a religious home. Lol

In as much as we are to plan for tommorow we should also find joy and happiness in today.

It's tantamount to being ungrateful to postpone everything till tommorow.

Well said girl. We tell it God. And then tackle it again.

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Our root shows up every now then. Without blinking an eyelid I can say that you were in a religious home. Lol

You are crazy... But I must confess I was surprised I could still remember lots of scriptures while responding to comments on this post

In as much as we are to plan for tommorow we should also find joy and happiness in today.

Succinct..... copied from your previous comment😁😛😛

It's tantamount to being ungrateful to postpone everything till tommorow.

Hmmm.... Big grammar everywhere 😒

Well said girl. We tell it God. And then tackle it again.

Thanks... Grateful that you got the message 🤗

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One can never be certain of what tomorrow holds. Gratitude, a grateful heart is the key to a better life .

An we shouldn't forget to consult God I. All our endeavours. Just talk to him and he would answer in one way or the other. Even through ways we won't expect.
I'm happy you realised the essence of a grateful heart.

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One can never be certain of what tomorrow holds. Gratitude, a grateful heart is the key to a better life .

Well said, mate

An we shouldn't forget to consult God I. All our endeavours. Just talk to him and he would answer in one way or the other. Even through ways we won't expect.

God is a powerful being..... He sees the end from the beginning

I'm happy you realised the essence of a grateful heart.

I am happy I did as well.... Thank you

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He asked me if I had told the Almighty that I didn't understand and that I wanted to.

A lot of people do makes this mistake including myself, thinking we knew enough to always make our decision without tabling it before the almighty, i learn a hard way but now all i do is to table my plans to Almighty God and lets him handle the rest. This has never fail me.

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i learn a hard way but now all i do is to table my plans to Almighty God and lets him handle the rest. This has never fail me.

I am glad that you learned too, the Almighty is capable of helping through everything

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He asked me if I had told the Almighty that I didn't understand and that I wanted to.

A lot of people do makes this mistake including myself, thinking we knew enough to always make our decision without tabling it before the almighty, i learn a hard way but now all i do is to table my plans to Almighty God and lets him handle the rest. This has never fail me.

This are powerful and strong words from you mate and I want to say that your choice of words here is very powerful and mind blowing,I can not agree less with you on this and I will have to say that am on the same side with you mate

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