Shining through Language: Hive in every Language

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Hi everyone, I am very delighted to be officially using the proof of brain front page for the first time. This innovation is totally a proof of brain.


Some days ago, I was privileged to be in a very wonderful world conference and in one of the sessions, the anchor took time to explain the importance of language and the surge it adds to an organization in spreading the mandate and vision it has all across the place.

Some years back, I went for an holiday to my brother in a neighboring about an hour drive from my own state and all the way through, the journey was really an interesting one but something quickly changed the moment we enter the state. By now, it should have become very known to us all that "Language is a vital part of human connection."

Now about my travel to Abia State, one funny thing I realized was that immediately we entered Abia State, the language changed and only the people acquainted with dialect of the people where the once that could build connection with the indigence's faster but for me, it took quite some time to get connected with them because I didn't know how to speak the dialect.


Language allows us to share our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others easily.

While in Abia State, I have been hungry a couple of times and very hungry at other times but simply because I could not communicate my situation with the prevailing language, I had to keep my hunger.

On the very first day I arrived the city, I met a woman hocking something I know of in my city but because they had a funny name for it, I decided I will not eat it because of what it was called.

Have you ever tried asking someone who doesn't understand English to give you direction to a location you're not familiar with? The experience is not always an exciting one because while the person is trying to help you, you could be thinking that he/she is wasting your time because you can't understand what the fellow might be saying.

What is Languagee

A language is a system of communication used by a particular country or community. For instance, the system of communication in the community of people having hearing challenge is sign. I once had a friend whose father was deaf and dumb and I seldom wondered how that my young friend used to speak with his deaf father not until I saw him one day talking with the father and he was using sign.

Language has the power to build societies, but also tear them down. Now this thought reminds me of a very beautiful story in the bible I heard years ago in my Sunday school class. Many of us should be aware of the story about the tower babel. With one language, they built a tower that could almost reach God but when the language was scattered, the mission was aborted.

Language is a very power key to expanding horizon and extending the frontiers of a system.

Hive With Languages


Language breeds unity and unity causes expansion. Hive in every language will not only extend the frontiers of HIVE, it will also increase the value of HIVE.

I was reading about Satoshi Nakamoto and I realize that he is a Japanese and I guess that he has been able to bring other Japanese to invest into BTC. Language is powerful and we can't refute that fact. So I suggest that HIVE should go lingual and we will fly just as BTC did.

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