Celebrating At 50

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

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I just turn 50 few months ago. It was so exciting. Friends and family joined to celebrate with me. Being 50 years of age, comes with so much experience and responsibility. Because you now have many people looking up to you. In the journey of life, there are so many ups and downs. I have had my fair share. But with these ups and downs comes experience. And "Experience" they say,"Is the best teacher".
The age of 50 is referred to as the "Golden Age". The golden age denotes a period of peace and achievement.

"The term Golden Age comes from Greek mythology, particularly the Works and Days of Hesiod, and is part of the description of temporal decline of the state of peoples through five Ages, Gold being the first and the one during which the Golden Race of humanity (Greek: χρύσεον γένος chrýseon génos)[1] lived. After the end of the first age was the Silver, then the Bronze, after this the Heroic age, with the fifth and current age being Iron.[2]

By extension, "Golden Age" denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. During this age, peace and harmony prevailed in that people did not have to work to feed themselves for the earth provided food in abundance. They lived to a very old age with a youthful appearance, eventually dying peacefully, with spirits living on as "guardians". Plato in Cratylus (397 e) recounts the golden race of humans who came first. He clarifies that Hesiod did not mean literally made of gold, but good and noble". {Source}(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Age).

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On my 50th birthday, I had a great time with my friends and family and also I published my first book and did the presentation on my birthday.


It was fun and exciting.

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With age come the change of our physical structure. When I was younger, I use to be skinny
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I never thought I will ever gain weight but with age your lifestyle and activity changes and you gradually begin to gain weight.


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Growing up in city of Port Harcourt was fun. We use to play football on the street during holidays, especially when it's raining.

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Growing up in the City of Port Harcourt was quite interesting. Things were relatively cheap. We enjoyed free education in our primary Schools. Going to secondary school was quite a big deal. Especially for some of us who were privileged to attend Baptist High School, which was one of the foremost Secondary school in Rivers State.

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In those days, school fees was just N30.00 only. We will "Burn candle"(read) all night, just to pass exams. But today all that have changed.
As I walk down memory lane, I wish I could turn back the hand of time to enjoy those good days again.
I would have loved to display some of my old pictures while growing up. But unfortunately, i can't lay my hands on them now.
As I go down memory lane. I thank God who saw me through my days as a politician.
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Sometimes we will hold political party meetings late into the night. Some time we will finish our meetings by 3:00 am and I will need to get how by that time. There were things I did as a much younger person that I don't think I am willing to do today.
As one gets older, one begins to add weight, due to ones lifestyle.

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It is imperative that you engage in exercise and other activities that will help you maintain and check your weight. As I grow older, I was driving my car most of the time, even at short distances. I started adding weight.
I have made a decision to change my eating habit and walk most of the time to places that are not too far and also engage in exercises that are not too much for my age.
I thank God who has been with me this fifty years. I got married in 2007 to a beautiful wife,
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And God has given us four lovely children. Today I am an elder and a preacher.

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I am so excited being fifty years old. Thank God I am 50.
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