News about our fundraiser for Uganda! - Neuigkeiten unserer Spendenaktion für Uganda! (207)

in Proof of Brain • 9 months ago


😥😭 😥 School starts and once again we have some children who are sent home because their parents cannot pay the school fees. This is particularly bitter for 5 children who are in Year 7 and would like to graduate this year. The school has given the parents a deadline. The school fees must be paid by Friday, otherwise the children will have to stay at home.....

Many parents are turning to Bosco for help. Unfortunately, in most cases we have to turn them down because we don't have the money. We are neither an organisation nor rich. All donations come from our family, friends and the Blockchaines. We do what we can....

A family had bought a piglet, wanted to fatten it up, sell it and use it to pay their daughter's school fees.
Unfortunately, the pig died and so did the school fees...

Poverty, sad stories.....

We have just set up a donation account.
Everything that comes together there is for the school fees.



😥😭 😥 Die Schule beginnt und wieder einmal haben wir einige Kinder, die nach Hause geschickt werden, weil die Eltern das Schulgeld nicht bezahlen können. Besonders bitter ist das, für 5 Kinder, die in der 7.Klasse sind und dieses Jahr ihren Abschluss machen möchten. Die Schule hat den Eltern eine Frist gesetzt. Bis Freitag muß das Schulgeld bezahlt werden, sonst müssen die Kinder zuhause bleiben.....

Viele Eltern wenden sich an Bosco mit der Bitte um Hilfe. In den meisten Fällen müssen wir das leider ablehnen, weil wir das Geld nicht haben. Wir seind weder ein Verein, noch reich. Alle Spendengelder kommen von unserer Familie, Freunden und von den Blockchaines. Wir tun, was wir können....

Eine Familie hatte ein Ferkel gekauft, wollte es mästen, verkaufen und davon das Schulgeld für die Tochter bezahlen.
Das Schwein ist leider gestorben und damit auch der Gang zur Schule...

Armut, traurige Geschichten.....

Wir haben gerade ein Spendenkonto erstellt.
Alles, was dort zusammenkommt ist für's Schulgeld.


Hmm! It hurts to see those kids who want to go school and have a better future experience such set back. When there is life there is hope, It is my prayer that everything gets better as soon as possible.


Done :-)


Ganz herzlichen Dank!
Fühl' dich gedrückt!
LG Elli

Our future lies in the hands of the younger one, it so unfortunate to see this children passing through such a condition as stakes.
I pray heaven responds to their needs

It's really sad to see what a lot of people pass through due to poverty. This is very sad and I know there are a lot of people with similar issue in my part of the world. It's almost like a curse upon this part of the world.

I don't know what to say or how to react to this. I just hope everyone finds peace at last.

The bad thing is that the governments are actually responsible for this.
But in many countries they only enrich themselves....

Government sits on the money that should be used to make life better. They use that money for their personal gains and their kids usually get quality education in more developed part of the world.

I've seen the darkest side of being in a country where corruption is at the core of everything. And, I'm just praying that God will help me leave my Country to a country where I can do work and earn a fairly decent reward for the work I do.



Yay! 🤗
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