A Country Walk: Buzzard, Butterflies and a Lead Smelting Furnace

in Proof of Brain2 years ago (edited)

It was a bit overcast and it was threatening to rain, as we walked around an area I haven't been for a while.

Three ponds to be exact with some nice lily pads on them.

The cupola was in the distance, which is a lead-smelting furnace from the 1770s.

A buzzard was circling above us looking for food.

Ha ha! Chicken legs!

The purple orchid is quite common around woodlands and open grassland but I think they still look pretty, especially when there's a lot of them.

The lovely harebell plants with their bell-shaped flowers blowing in the wind.

Last year, this area was full of butterflies, but we didn't see many this time, apart from one of our most common butterflies, the peacock. It was probably the wrong day to visit because as well as butterflies, there's usually a lot of dragonflies and damselflies in the area, but it was far too dull and breezy today.

I heard someone talking in the distance but couldn't make out where they were, until I spotted the bloke up the mobile phone mast. It was a blot on the beautiful landscape, but then again, I couldn't cope without a phone signal. Rather him than me!


Wow! Nice photos! Chicken legs look very funny! Good camera! You could take photos of flying birds.