Hi there and welcome to the very first edition of my daily competition called Random Thought of the Day.

I have started this competition in the hope that this will prove to be a fun and interesting way to get people to interact and engage with each other here on #proofofbrain
The name of the contest is deliberately a bit vague to give myself more room to maneuver when it comes to the subject matter and content.
Basically each post could be about anything really. Ranging from a memorable quote to a story or maybe just a random question about life itself. Literally any subject is open for discussion but I will try and not let it get too weird !
You are also welcome to talk about any other subject you like.
To enter the competition you simply have to make a comment on this post and I will do a daily random draw for 3 lucky winners.
1st Place = 1 POB + 1 Upvote
2nd Place = 0.75 POB + 1 Upvote
3rd Place = 0.50 POB + 1 Upvote
If it all goes well I will increase the prizes very soon. I also intend on powering up 100% of the votes from each daily contest in order to increase the Upvote prize.
Rules - Respect and Be Respected (PLUR)

So for the first contest I thought I would start with something nice and light but then I changed my mind and decided I would ask a question that's been annoying me for a while now.
Why would someone who was on there own in a car wear a face mask ?
This seems like complete paranoia to me and completely unnecessary.
What do you think ?
Quote of the Day
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." Mark Twain
Thanks for reading.
Peace, Graham.
Haha I don't know how anybody could think that has any use.. like others mentioned, it's probably because they forgot or don't want to touch the mask. Now if the masks were to work that would indeed be the way to go.. as there's very specific instructions for medical staff how to go about applying and disposing a mask. But since the majority of people have no fekkin clue how it works (some wear it below the nose, uhuh good luck with that :-P) I doubt how much effect this whole thing has.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying it's a conspiracy and covid is to be taken lightly at all. I'm only saying some restrictions are ridiculous and there's quite some paranoia that exceeds the threat.
Yeah i totally agree. 😀
Thanks for commenting.
They forgot it was even on.
I don’t need the prize though. I was just compelled to answer lol
No worries 😉
Mmmm..i guess that is possible but when i have to wear a mask i am always acutely aware of it. !
This may be due to the fact i suffer from Asthma and i do feel like my breathing capabilities are being constricted by the mask at all times !
Thanks for commenting.
Peace, G.
I always thought the same way. However it is a matter of habit I think, because if the driver is not wearing the mask he will forget to put it on when getting off or interacting with other people. That's the only justification I give it, but I still think it's a bit unnecessary. It's like people who are at home wearing a mask 24 hours a day, it's crazy.
Yeah I guess so. 😀 Hopefully this will all be over soon anyway !
Thanks for participating.
Peace, Graham.
Maybe they are silly buggers Lol
Yeah there is quite a lot of silly buggers out there..😂
Thanks for the comment.
No bother I was curious about your Idea Random thought of the day an interesting concept I wish you all the best luck with it
Some of the people got in their car after they already wearing their masks. They just might not want to touch them with with bare hands and put on more hand sanitizer.
Also put their masks anywhere in the car (beside hanging on the mirror) may contaminate the surface where masks touch.
Yeah fair enough i suppose but that still sounds quite unnecessary to be honest.
I guess i just dont believe it is actually possible to contract the virus in this situation...!
Peace, Graham.