Hey folks. How is everyone doing. Its melting here now.
Today's question is another big one !
Do you believe in an afterlife ?
Personally I believe there must be something to come after but I don't think it is like anything that anyone has ever previously conceived.
The afterlife is an existence in which the essential part of an individual's identity or their stream of consciousness continues to live after the death of their physical body. Wikipedia.

LinkAlso i forgot to mention the other day that #rtotd was included in a nice post by @sindetalles about great contests on POB.
“It always seems impossible until it is done.” -Nelson Mandela
I have started this competition in the hope that this will prove to be a fun and interesting way to get people to interact and engage with each other here on #proofofbrain
It could be about anything really. Ranging from a memorable quote to a story or maybe just a random question about life itself. Literally any subject is open for discussion but I will try and not let it get too weird !
You are also welcome to talk about any other subject you like.
To enter the competition you simply have to make any type of comment on this post and I will do a daily random draw for 3 lucky winners.
You are not required to Upvote, Re-Blog or Follow but it would be nice.
1st Place = 5 POB + 1 Upvote
2nd Place = 1 POB + 1 Upvote
3rd Place = 0.50 POB + 1 Upvote
Congratulations To Yesterdays Winners
1st Place - @mineopoly
2nd Place - @pthker2010
3rd Place - @katerinhernandez
I use https://www.random.org/ to pick the winner with TRUE RANDOMNESS !!

RANDOM.ORG offers true random numbers to anyone on the Internet. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs
Rules - Respect and Be Respected (P.L.U.R.)
Thanks for reading.
Peace, Graham.
greetings to everyone present in this space, especially its creator @elricmoonslayer. a life after death? Perhaps there are possibilities although there are no real reasons to affirm it. I think the possibilities exist but nothing tanjible certifies it. The Bible shows us in various versions and methods: being part of eternal life, but how true is what is written? I believe in GOD, and I hope that what happens after death is not so bad.
Hey there, Nice answer. Thanks for commenting. :)
I will start by saying this is an amazing initiative to better engagement on this great community, I will love to participate in every contest daily.
About the day's question
I believe there is an after life but it is what we do here that would determine if we would live a happy after life or a tormenting one.
I've seen movies where the after life live longer according to the number of people who remembers them in their previous life, it's so interesting to imagine that but I don't believe in such.
Afterlife is possible but I would say "Mind what you do with your present life to enjoy your next life". We Christians call it eternal life which may be full of enjoyment or full of punishment according to our deeds in our first life.
Thanks, I hope you get my point to the question 😃
Thanks for the kind words. It makes it all worthwhile when i read comments like yours.
I'm glad you like my comment, I always want to support in my own little way and that's commenting 😃
Nice one,but let me ship in this again,have been thinking about this auto upvote of a thing and I must say,it is really giving me concern alot,cause it is now clear that posts and comments get upvoted randomly,which to me as limits the level of motivation that author's should get at times when they post and article or a user should get when they contribute wisely on a post,I see comments which are not valuable enough having lot of upvote and post that are less important getting lot of rewards ,It baffles me alot cause this as not really helped times of motivation,then it is what I keep on asking the hive community is it all about large engagement or quality contribution when it comes to getting rewards in the hive community
Not sure! Part of me wants to believe there is, another part would be at peace with just nothing but eternal silence. As a kid I was quite frightened by the thought of that. But now I'm not concerned anymore at all. Time will tell! But I'm not going anywhere soon
Good things are shown and said. It's a great idea you develop with #rtotd and hopefully participation will increase.
Regarding the topic:
I don't know how to explain this. Sometimes I believe that there is an afterlife, sometimes not. It seems to me that in reality it is a parallel dimension, only in another plane and at some point both worlds "touch" and that is when we have that "contact" with our dead.
Two hours later, a person arrived to bring me the documents to receive the money due to my child! It's as if he had told me: I'm sending you money.
Things like this have happened to me a lot and they never cease to scare me. Yesterday something curious happened to me. My son's father @mekhane passed away at the beginning of this year. He worked in the only steel company in Venezuela (now in ruins). Every worker has the benefit of social benefits and when he dies this becomes the right of his wife and children. Well, these formalities have been done since January. Yesterday, while I was at the bank (it is my job) while filling out a form to withdraw money from my account, instead of putting my ID, I put my son's father's ID. Believe me, at no time was I thinking of him at all. That confused me a little...
That is a great story. Thanks for sharing.
This topic may be related to a previous topic... are we in a simulation?
Hmm...yeah but it's still a very different question really.
If we are living in a simulation then I seriously doubt there is an afterlife within it. !!
If that's true, and you want to know if anything is possible after your current experience, don't you first need to know if this is a simulation or not? They are different questions but the answer to one might depend on the other.
Yeah you are right in what your sayin man :)
If this is NOT some sort of simulation, or game, or science project of an advanced race, or ourselves replaying our own lives in a holodeck, etc etc etc....
And we're really just organic beasts living out normal lives in a physically 3 dimensional universe...
I'd like to tell you about my death in 1999, which came back to me when I nearly died in 2016. Soon after, I wrote about both experiences on the blockchain: https://hive.blog/reality/@drutter/how-my-death-on-the-operating-table-in-1999-changed-everything
It's related to both the above topics, and one of my most personal posts.
Life after death? that topic so deep and controversial especially in the different religions. I believe in God above all things. And thinking about that topic puts me in a very depressing place. I don't know what happens, I don't know what to expect and how long to wait to find out if there is a life after death, I have heard that after death everyone will be asleep until the doomsday.
Yeah it can be a bit depressing depending how you look at it.!
yes of course but nothing else. To imagine that we have lived inside a bubble of lies and false testimonies is terrifying.