Many people think that the good leader is the one who imposes his point of view over all the others, that is an action of a boss, but, never of a leader, the leader is concerned about listening to everyone and worrying about them, and it is not enough just to listen to them but to value each opinion.
All leadership is built with the base called trust, and it is what ultimately maintains all leadership, when that trust is lost at the same time leadership is lost, and not many people who pretend to be leaders understand that.
When someone builds his leadership from trust and understanding, an environment of harmony is built, where the exchange of ideas flow naturally and without fear of being singled out, in many cases we know of people who without seeking to be leaders become one, and many others who yearn to be leaders never are, they do not internalize the difference between leader and boss, others without complexes know they are only bosses for holding a certain position, but do not seek to be a leader.
It is possible to know several types of leadership, there are those who are very active, others more passive, some more communicative than others, but in the end they carry out a leadership of any group of people, whether they are looking for it or not, they carry it out with dignity, and if they deviate they will lose their leadership since it is not an automatic and permanent condition, if it is not taken care of it is lost, and many never manage to understand such effect.
Leadership is all about doing what you want others to do
Good deduction, thank you for your input.