To be happy we must give everything?

in Proof of Brain2 years ago



These words can be very true, although many times we can feel doubts if someone does not value what we do and what we give for them, to be happy we usually need the pleasant company of another person, someone who makes us feel part of a relationship of equality, otherwise we can have the intention to give everything and have no guarantee of being happy.

Giving everything means many things, is to love without conditions, is to reach a mutual agreement even if you do not like what the other person does, is a co-responsibility to fulfill, giving everything is to promote respect in a relationship, with a family member or romantic partner, many proclaim that happiness is proportional to our delivery, although it is not a guarantee of receiving the same, remember that we can control our actions, but not those of others.

It is a wise advice that we can give and receive, if we want to pretend to be happy do not be afraid to give everything, but be aware of the limits, sometimes we can believe that giving everything in a relationship makes us slaves of that person, thinking about the time invested and that maybe it has already happened to us and we do not want to go through the same, if so, what you have to think about is your peace of mind because no one deserves your time if they do not value you.

When we pretend to give things halfway things are given in the same proportion, maybe it is a good strategy if you give as the other person responds to you, a way to establish a kind of balance, and that many find it, even if everything is halfway, everything depends on our self-confidence, if it is not difficult to recover from any difficulty, then, do not hesitate to give it all, if it works very well, and if not, take your time and wait for the right person.

Many times we make mistakes with people, and the ones we least expect to receive what we are looking for do it, and they can be all the time very close to us and we are unable to see those people, maybe they are not physically what we are looking for, but they are internally what we need, and that is priceless, we do not cling to those people who captivate us for their physical appearance, but for what they can be for us, and we for that person.


Being a giving person comes naturally to those of us born with "a good heart." But one must be aware of those personal Vampires out there willing to suck the blood out of our existence.

I know a former friend who's a psycopath and lives to use people and generate as much pain in their lives no matter how much good they do for him. That old saying "no good deed goes unpunished" is alive and kicking in everything that he does.

It took awhile for me to see him for what he was, as I'd never met a psycopath before and didn't know the signs and stages involved. Now that I do, I try to warn the people being used (and abused) by him, but desperate people cause the warnings to fall on deaf ears. They will learn, but always the hard way...

Very grateful for sharing your experience, and words like these.

Being a generous person comes naturally to those of us who were born with "a good heart". But one must be aware of those personal Vampires who are willing to suck the blood out of our existence.