in Proof of Brain4 months ago (edited)


Impunity! Unlimited licences for every body and for every thing!

Who cares if shopkeepers are relieved of nine hundred bucks worth of goods, that makes the stocks replenishable. And why should some scary entities like police bother with something so trivial?

Aren't the shop runners the real thieves who seriously expect their customers to give something in return for the products they buy? Just saying.

Yeah, keep it up! I say: more rights for all those who love absolute and total freedom!

Girls, spread your legs and don't be ashamed if it goes wrong, it's absolutely not your fault that you got pregnant without wanting to!
Really, I don't know how you can be against simply getting something unwanted out of the way!

Don't be coy, finally say it out loud and show your innocent spirit, not secretly. Make your appointments with the abortion doctor public and screw him on tikitoki if he utters bollocks about "pro life".

Beeeecaaaause, we will take the word ‘’penalty‘’ out of the term ‘’offence‘’! Yes, that's right! In truth, you hear, there is nothing, absolutely nothing ‘criminal’ about not wanting to be pregnant!

The fact is that we women are so incredibly limited in our ability to prevent pregnancy! We barely have room to breathe, there's nothing left or right to help us avoid having babies! Abortion is the only remaining remedy! In this nasty world.

It happens to me every day that I deliberately do something unwanted! Aren't you just the same?

Actually, ... if you take it that way ... ,

everything on earth should be free!

Nothing should cost anything, nobody should own anything! I just happen to have this idea right in this very moment, while typing! So excited!

Did you know? Everything grows by itself anyway! Honestly, on the trees, on bushes, on the earth! Did you already know that? You just go and pick what you want.

It's cheeky whoever builds a fence around this beautiful garden! Tear down the walls, give the owners the finger! Food for everyone, forever and ever! It's all there already!

The universe gives us rich gifts in abundance. Did you know that you can simply drink from a mountain stream? Ain't that awesome, I mean, really really awesome?

Borders! So I have a word to say about that!

Borders, an inhumane, murderous, unjust violation of human rights! All, and I do mean all, borders and fences on earth must go! No arrogant border bullies who abuse their nasty power on those who just want to live in peace with everyone as multi-cultural citizens of the world.

Let all the outlanders come with dignity, I say! Let them arrive in harbours with the Aida and not in these shabby red rubber boats. Let them go on previous cruises and travel around the world, checking in wherever they find it most beautiful!

When the lorries drive into the city in the morning, flock in, dear people, and help yourselves from the loading area! Huge containers are waiting at the harbour every day, full of overseas delicacies and exotic goods. I mean, tons and tons of them!

Oh what the hell, let Uber deliver the goods to your home,

completely free of charge! Just listen, the electricity comes from the socket and regardless of whether the sun isn't shining on today's Tate or the wind isn't blowing a decent breeze: everything is sustainable and available at all times anyways!

And ... actually, who needs their own apartment or house?

Why don't we do it like modern offices? Sharing desks works! Where you wake up in the morning, you don't have to go to sleep at night! You just elevate up the stairs, three floors above you, and lie down in a freshly made bed!

After all, there's Internet in every house, in every room! And when you get tired of one place, you can simply hop into a self-driving car that asks you where you want to go.

Ah, the freedom!
Just imagine, no need to pack suitcases and lug around annoying stuff! Because, no matter where the fully automated transport vehicles take you: Everything is already there! Food in the fridge, beds made, fresh toothbrushes in the bathroom cabinet, where it smells of lotus flowers.

If you do feel lonely once in a while, no problem!

Activate your profile in the escort service and your suitable sex object will soon be ringing at your door!

And who needs "their own kids" anyway?
Why not "sharing a kid"?
Like the villagers of back in the days cared for each others toddlers and teenagers.
Or how about "Renting an elderly"? You can show that you are a compassionate person deep down by collecting good-doers credits!

If you feel like it, you activate your profile in the morning and tell the AI that you wish to cook for a family by dinnertime.

All things will be delivered if you make sure that you've messaged your current destination and the nearest by kids will be right then and there to receive your care! Oh, wait, you need not doing to mark your destination, since it's activated already all the time!

If you think about it, it's genius, don't you find?
I mean, one could also have experiences, you - under circumstances - have to wait for them a long time. Like giving company to a dying person. Why should that only be done by relatives or friends of the passing one?

Aren't we all friends all over the world? No matter what culture you're from.

So let me think that through: You activate the AI and ask it, who is near by who is about to die. If it's a muslim or a jewish person, you order the proper clothes from a shop and then you show up in the hospital where that person awaits you. Maybe some cosplay sewists can lend you a ready made garment and historical accurate accessories.

You have your notes with you and have downloaded a chanting app that provides the appropriate passages from the Torah or the Koran. You are sitting at the bedside of the dying person, who looks you gratefully in the eye - one last time - and then dies peacefully. What a precious experience!

Oh, this gets me so going!

And since all drugs are also free, you may throw a Shroom-party next Friday! Shoosh!

And the best thing about it would be, that all neighboring apartments would know about it, they can either join or pick another place for that Friday, in case, they had a hard working week and need some quiet and rest. Nobody would feel disturbed and annoyed, no bad mooded police being called.

You think the working from home folks would be a problem? Come on, you already got the idea, haven't you? There is no classic home, since home is everywhere! No classic family, no classic friends, no classic men or women. There is nothing classy about them in the first place, alright?

If you want to become a mom, you are having exciting times ahead of you!

Since unwanted pregnancy aint gonna happen. So you can pick and choose between all colors of people and decide that you would like to have a chocolate baby! Between the creamy white skin of yours and that dark cocoa one of the man of your choice, it'll be such a beautiful baby. And since you don't have to be a parent for the rest of your life, you can activate your profile and tick the box "baby available" when ever you feel bored or tired of that little thing.

That baby will have a wonderful life. If the hour time mommy or daddy preferable would like to have a girl oder a boy, or none of it, just tick the right boxes and make sure the appropriate clothes and toys will be delivered with the infant.

If you find that pregnancy is too much of a nuisance to your body,

rent a womb, for Gods sake. There are plenty of those who identify as viking females who would love to carry out your egg, you generous people! Those, who are proud of big big pregnant bellies and who'd invite all happen to be neighbors to have the experience of touching them. The possibilities!

And since no one would need to think for themselves, what the toddler or teen might want and need, all what has to be done is listen to the little ones utterances and wishes. They'll tell you, no worries.
Again, if they become a bit too intense, just hand them over to whoever wants to have them in that moment. There are always people who are night owls and would be thankful to have them given a task during those wakeful hours.

Hm. What else? Have I forgotten something?
I bet, I have. Just fill in your own ideas down below.

Let's be the best community the world has ever seen!

picture source: mine.



That came unexpected. How come?

As always, thought provoking, inspired reading. You have a way with words that makes people sit up and think, which (of course) is remarkable in itself.

A friend of mine, to whom I once in a while gave texts to read, once told me that they make her uncomfortable and that she oftentimes hesitated to even read them. I was reminded on her when you wrote it "makes people sit up and think".

To carry the things to their absurd ends, sometimes is the only style to get a message forwarded. Satire helps.

Such admirable and selfless advocacy for complete freedom will surely find many ready and eager participants. Won't they be surprised when it is the things they are and have that are suddenly free for their political masters to take?


Won't they be surprised when it is the things they are and have that are suddenly free for their political masters to take?

People who'd behave like in my scenario above, would not be surprised, in my view, since they already would have known upfront that what they got for free, came nevertheless with a price tag. After all, only a truly mentally deranged person walks around and expects no costs, since such mind cannot distinguish between the subjects.

However, as children already learn and know that people receive and expect something in return from each other, adults would have already given their consent to such lifestyle, which is also called ‘anticipatory obedience’. In the expectation that they themselves are in the weaker position anyway and cannot do anything against overpowering forces. To avoid admitting this bitter truth, you have to pretend that it is a rosy world and that the drugs, the artificial lightness of existence, conceal the darkness it contains.

I knew there was a reason I never wore rose-colored glasses.