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RE: Doom and Gloom or The Light At The End Of The Tunnel.......?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I thought of this.
One cannot be sure what it is, so whom to trust? It came to my mind in connection to those close to me, that they might be lucky in having received a placebo. How much of this is wishful thinking, I cannot tell. A relative of mine is under experimental medication and treatment for about three years and trusts in established medicine. So I won't give her my doubts. I only wonder how well she still is doing with all the surgeries, treatments and meds she took so far and still does. If I would count all the pills my relatives are taking since they became older and are under regular doctors diagnostics and treatments, I would have thought that they might suffer more but they seem to handle all of this pretty well. To my very disbelief, but still. While this is not my cup of tea, I let them drink theirs.

If I die one day, like they say "unexpected" it might be a proof for them that I should have taken more precautions.

But a question to the matter: Do you think that the circulating vaccines are placebos and others are not? I am a bit tired to read English, so I did not check the sources here in the comments.


Yes I've looked into the sources and it seems there were 50% placebo in the stage 1 triaal then 1/3 placebo thereafter. It's been confirmed by news reports saying the placebo group can volunteer to get the real vaccine after a few months and it was even mentioned in parliament that the placebo group will be getting their covid passports despite not being vaccinated. I know a few people who I'm sure got placebo including my pregnant sons partner.

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