Great and reflective post, thank you very much. Rarely read such a beautiful and warm-hearted version on this topic.
Reality is not a fixed state, I see it the same way. As in the example of the Crypto Course, it is created by desires, assumptions, beliefs and actions, is a process happening through influences.
I may confuse my fears and desires with seeing events occur that I causally associate with the fearful or desired events. Whereas causality is really an exceedingly difficult concept and I like to bring it into my conceptions of reality, if not force it in. Thus something becomes real that actually seemed hardly possible to unbelievable and the prophet fulfils his prophecy. If enough prophets predict the same thing, it seems like a miracle that it comes true, but then who is really surprised?
As soon as I take a headache pill, I change my sense of reality. I attribute my diminishing headache to the pill, but it could just as easily be that anything has happened as well, such as lying down or the air pressure dropping, or that I have undergone a change in metabolism due to some exciting news, or that I just firmly believed that my pain would go away due to the pill, and so on.
I think the example with the queue outside the club is very fitting when people compare their stories!
Right now, at this moment, my kitchen chair is in the process of passing away. The chair may or may not outlive me, but if one were to steal the chair's noun and say instead that the chair "chairs" and the apple tree "apples", one could also say that the earth " peoples". The innumerable events and the processes of varying duration that take place on both a small and a large scale elude a determinate definition of reality, and so for me only what I experience is real, since I cannot make a body swap with you, for example, in order to enter your skin and your head in order to make my experiences from there.
If you had entered your parents' skins as a young person, their speeches would have become immediately clear to you; all at once you would have become aware of their entire spectrum of experience, which cannot be put into words. Luckily the young can't slip into the old sacks, I can only say! :)
How much I as a human being am influenced by the many others in my sense of reality, I cannot say. But it always becomes clear when I withdraw from this influence for a significant time and intensity. How much the earth - if I consider this planet to be alive - influences me, I can't really say that either, but I suspect that the sun and the galaxy also have an influence (and beyond). For the earth, I am probably just like my human cells are for me as its large body: we cannot talk directly to each other, but nevertheless communication takes place. At least I am sure of that ;-)